fredag 29 januari 2010

Välkommen Leon! / Welcome Leon!

Så nu är han här...Leon, 9 månader...vår "nya" katt!...

So finally he´s here...Leon, 9 months old...our "new" cat!...

Han kom i förra fredagen från Örebro katthem och kände sig omedelbart hemma! Jourhemmet som han bodde i skickade med så mycket fina saker till Leon..Tack! Han saknar säkert er och vi hoppas han kommer att trivas hos oss!

He arrived on last friday from an a "cat home" for abandoned cats in Örebro and felt at home at once! The home he was living in sent so many lovely thing with him...Thanks! He probably longs for you and we hope that he will feel good with us!

Jag letade på nätet efter katthemskatter och det finns ju en hel del som saknar så såg jag bilder och beskrivningen på Leon...och tänkte....Honom skall vi ha!

I have been looking for a cat from an animal resque home...and there are quite a few cats who need a home...I saw photos and a description of Leon...and thought...Him we must have!

Vi lät honom bekanta sig med huset först...mycket intressanta ställen!...innan han fick se att det redan bodde två katter här....o huuu...frääääs!

We let him get acquainted with the house first...very interesting places here!...before he was introduced to the two excisting cats in the house...oh sh--....grrrrrrr!

Men efter två dagar så verkar i allafall Rasmus tycka att det är lite OK med en ny filur här hemma...Esmeralda , Häxan Surtant, som vi kärleksfullt kallar henne tar det nog lite längre för men hon kanske ett par år eller så  :)

But after a day it seemed like at least Rasmus could accept this new little fellow...but Esmeralda, "the wicked old witch" as we lovingly call her will probably need a little longer time to get used to him...a couple of years or so I guess : )

Leon vill verkligen vara med överallt och är galen i ost!

Leon loves to be wherever you are and he´s crazy about cheese!

Han har med den äran axlat vår förre katt Robins tjänst som Studio katt...och han jobbar bra...han har redan fått fernissa på svansen! Det här är en tavla under arbete. Den och några övriga tavlor skall vara med på en utställning på Kupolen i Borlänge den 9:e februari och en månad framåt...närmare bestämt på övre planets café "Waynes Coffee"...Välkommen att kika!

 He has proudly taken the task as Studio Cat, from our late cat Robin...and he´s doing well...he has already got varnish on his tail! This is a painting in progress. This will be shown amongst my other paintings on an exhibition at Waynes coffee at the mall "Kupolen", Borlänge, on the 9´th of february for a month...

Välkommen lille Leon !

Welcome little Leon!

14 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Vilka fina bilder på lille-mannen (om än inte så liten längre) Han ser ut att ha det riktigt gott. Många vänliga hälsningar från jourhemmet. Hannu & Mhistel & morrhårsmaffian

Kristina sa...

I think the new cat likes your house - seems so relaxed and happy :)

We have also brought in a new cat home recently (from the street) and seem to be experiencing the same situation - our Tom cat has accepted the new one, but the female cat will also need more time - probably a few more years, as you say :)

Yasmin sa...

Wow he is so beautiful.!!!We have ourselves in common a thing... the love for cats.
I am crazy for them and all my life had cats and I don't imagine living me without having those sweet creature's company.
It will really delay a little bit until the beautiful emerald to get used to with Léon... they are a little territorial and jealous the times.
but she will give in.. the will of playing with the new companion will be larger and all will be in harmony.
My cat Theo is a lot similar to Léon.. gray with stripes.. they seem small tigers.



Lusthuset sa...

Ohhh...vad tjusig han är!! Riktig Mästerkatt. Vad underbart för er. Det var några år sedan jag hade katt nu och ibland saknar jag dem å det gör riktigt ont.....för jag bara ÄLSKAR katter. Lite sorgligt är det när de lämnar oss som min "trädgårdskatt" gjorde igår. Så mycket sällskap jag haft av honom när jag jobbat i trädgården. Han satt alltid i närheten och pratade med mig. Honom saknar jag. Det finns en bild av honom i kanten av min blogg. Han var gammal och har det nog bara bra nu i sin katthimmel. Jag sände med homom en hälsning till mina tre som redan är där. Trots att det är sorgligt så får man njuta av och tänka på allt roligt man haft. Trädgårdskatten Findus är min grannes katt så hon har det nog jobbigare än jag men det känns bra att jag kunde dela detta med henne. Lycka till med er underbara kattpojke. Kramar!!

Lisa sa...

He is so sweet and so are you for adopting a rescue kitty. Did he take the plunger out of the tub himself? How smart! ;) introducing a new cat to the already established house cats is not always joyful for the human housemates. Sometimes you just have to leave and let the cats work it out by themselves!
That painting is downright gorgeous and phenomenal.. You are an amazing talented artist. I love your work! Wow!
Hugs and happy weekend with your new family member!

north pal sa...

wow! lucky you. what could be better than a striped tabby. leon would be the first of my choices. i have had a tabby as choice more than once,but right now we have a gray~c.c. and chevey a calico. so that's who we love right now. i am so in love with cats. can't live without a cat. congratulations on your new live in.♥ Bestest,Denise

Cathy sa...

Leon is beautiful! I love cats too - I have 7! It's sad about Robin but you are very kind to take in another cat who needs a good home. Bless you! I love your paintings and dolls etc. I joined Cloth Clay dolls and made a few - what fun. Good luck at your show. Cathy

Come Away With Me sa...

Leon looks very friendly and happy there in his new home. He's gorgeous too. I like your artwork...very beautiful. They all seem to evoke questions in one's imagination to explain who these faces are and what their story is.

linnea-maria sa...

Wow vad kul att du får ställa ut tavlorna! Smakprovet du visar är så vackert! Det är mysigt med katter i huset. Tyvärr kan vi inte ha det pga allergisk sambo. Ha det fint /linnea-maria

Twyla and Lindsey sa...

Leon is so handsome! He is lucky to have such a loving home. Enjoy him! Twyla

Kay sa...

he is beautiful and reminds me very much of my old cat Baggins...we got him from a dress shop(!) aged 8 weeks and he lived to be 20 years old....i hope yours lasts so long and gives you much pleasure.

Mary sa...

What a handsome little boy kitty this Leon is! I just know he will be living a wonderful life with your family....and the other cats will soon get used to him.

You are very kind to bring him home from the rescue place, there are so many kitties who need good homes.

Blessings -

rochambeau sa...

Lucky little Cat! Get's to live with you and the your family and furry siblings.

Your painting is tender and beautiful!
Adore it!