So now it has arrived...the last day of my summerholiday...inevitable facts! Sigh...and double sigh! Now when the sun is shining and the weather is wonderful! But if I summarize the summer it has been unbelievable good to me!...

We have been living as artists the whole summer and many weeks before that! A lot has been accomplished like this wonderful sculpture "Summerletter" made by my hubby...

It´s a bit difficult to photograpf...but shows a man rowing a boat leaving a newly discovered love just to never see her again...There is a little short story that is enclosed with the sculpture...

We saw a lot of art...and on demand I´m showing the painting my husband bought for me a little closer...painted by Sassa... UPDATE! Here You will find Sassas website!
Och jag tänker på vad gott som sensommaren och hösten har att bjuda...trots att man sitter fast på jobbstolen!....
And I think about all the things late summer and autumn can bring...despite me sitting trapped in my working chair!...
Ha en underbar solig dag! Nu skall jag gå och sola mig! Vi ses!
Have a wonderful day! I´m going to take a sunbath! I´ll see ya!
4 kommentarer:
Hi Liisa,
Thank you for sharing your memories from this summer. Your husband's chair is exquisite! Also, the painting her bought for you is soft, yet intriguing. Glad you had a great time!
About the passion flower. It was hard to get it started, took many years, then last year we had one bloom. This year MANY blooms!!
Mmmmmm....I want that painting!!!!! Beautiful!!
Hi Liisa
You are back to work now. Hope it is going well. Your husband's sculpture is wonderful. I am so glad that you were able to live as artists all summer. You deserve it!
Åh du påminde mig om att jag borde ut och leta mer kantareller :). det finns ju så gott om dem. Vilken underbar skulptur din man har gjort, så mycket rörelse i det rostiga järnet. Jag håller tummarna och hoppas att hösten blir lika underbar. Kram/linnea-maria
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