Yep! Now we are off to Malung and The Hundred mile forrest...time for some serious art and crafts!

It´s called "Blue Dreams"...

I have been inspired by russian fairytales...

Little princesses...all with names...like Rosalea Floribunda...

Så söta...eller skall man säga fulsnygga?? De är handsydda, skulpterade med lera, målade samt fått kläder sydda av vintage tyger...utrustade med vackra etiketter och allt!
So sweet...or should one say sweet-uggly?? Handsewn, sculpted with clay, painted and clothes are sewn from vintage fabrics...equipted with beautiful tags and everything!

Meet miss Eleonora Rosebud...

Mademoiselle Edith från Moulin Rouge...

And at last in this post "Madonna"...
Det var ett smakprov på vad jag kommer visa...jag hoppas kunna visa bilder från själva utställningen också, men man vet inte alls hur det står till med internetkopplingarna där uppe! Det har jag fått erfara denna sommar....vääääldigt låååångsamt kan det gå!
This was a little sample of what I´m showing at the exhibition...I hope I will be able to show some pictures from the actual event also, but You never know about the internet connections up there! That is something I have come to know this summer...it can be veeeeery sloooow!
Ha en skön helg! Oh..javisst ja! Om det skulle vara så att du är intresserad av något av mina alster så kan du ju alltid maila mig med förfrågan! Vi ses!!
Have a lovely weekend! Oh...and if you´re by any chance interested in one of my creations you can always email me with a request! I´ll see You!!
5 kommentarer:
Hi Liisa
I hope it goes well for you.
Those ladies look beautiful I adore the vintage- quirky style you have ....gosh I wish I had the patience. I'm good for making one but wow!! you have worked so hard, and made so many, along with those wonderful paintings.
Have a wonderful time, and post some pictures.
Lots of hugs Lynn xxx
PS I meant to say I'm coming to Sweden this weekend' tommorow to stay with my friend Carla, so I am so excited.
Hugs Lynn xxx
Vilka fina saker du har att visa upp. Jag gillar verkligen dina Fröknar..hur fina som helst. Hoppas att det går bra för dig. Ha det bra. Kram!
WOW...you've been a busy bee creating some really stunning artwork!! Your dolls are beautiful and your paintings are gorgeous...you are so talented and inspired! I hope you have a great exhibition!
Dina saker är underbara. :)
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