Hemma igen efter jobbet. Den här bilden mötte mig på uppfarten. Solen står verkligen väldigt lågt på vintern.
Nu är äntligen One World One Heart äventyret över för denna gång. Otroliga 911 bloggare från 28 länder deltog!! Helt fantastiskt sätt att få träffa nya människor och nya spännande bloggar!
Home again after work. This view greated me when I came home. The sun doesn´t reach very high in the winter!
Puh! OWOH is finally over...for now! I will surely go through the list again to visit all the exciting places and all the fabulous creative people out there! Unbelievable 911 participants from 28 countries! This is THE greatest event ever to make new friends! Thank You Lisa for the best event EVER!! I hope we will meet next year again!

Såå då är det väl dags att gå till vinnarna då!....Mina tre barn har dragit varsitt namn.
Sooo it´s time to move on to the winners!....My three children have drawn one name each.

Den lyckliga vinnaren till denna karamellgömma är.... /The lucky winner of this cone for sweets is...
Mud Hound Primitives
CONGRATS! E-mail me Your adress and it will arrive to You filled with a little bonus sweets! Nästa vinnare..../
Next winner....
Den lyckliga vinnaren till Geisha halsbandet är..../ The lucky winner of the Geisha necklage is...
GRATTIS! /CONGRATS! E-mail me Your adress and it will arrive to You as soon as I can post it!
Nästa vinnare..../
Next winner....
Den lyckliga vinnaren till hjärtat är..../ The lucky winner of the heart ornament is...
Mary Isabella and Kiley too!
GRATTIS! /CONGRATS! E-mail me Your adress and it will arrive to You as soon as I can post it!
Tusen tusen tack för alla besök och kommentarer! Över 450 kommentarer!! Hoppas vi ses även framöver! Välkommen tillbaka! Snart kanske jag kan börja koncentrera mig på fortsättningen på Siri och den vita vargen! Vi ses!
A thousand thanks for all the visits and comments! Over 450 comments!! I hope we will meet again in the future! Welcome back! And now I can perhaps concentrate on the next chapter of my story "Siri and the white wolf"! See Ya!
4 kommentarer:
Hi Liisa!
just a brief note here to let you know that you've won my OWOH blog contest prize from GahooletreeDesigns!
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog and leave a comment. I also hope you enjoyed participating in this event as a donor.
Congratulations to you and all the lucky winners!
I'll email you for shipping instructions...
~Anna Lee
I just realized you can't see my email address Liisa!
So sorry...and have I got some thing crazy to tell you! One of your winners lives in my little town...how unbelievable is that?
Mary Isabella :)
This event is huge!
Wonderful prizes and wonderful friends!
With Kindness,
Thank you so much. As you've seen, my husband has been in the hospital so I am sorry I'm so late to thank you. This necklace is beautiful. I can't wait to wear it. I emailed you my address.
Thank you very, very much.
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