Today You´re welcome on a little walk with blue hues...Later we´ll have a coffee break You and me!

Come let´s go through the wintergarden...Oh, over there by the stairs You can catch a glimse of my "gym"...the potager, where I have been carrying around 25 kilo stones and don a lot of digging....

I bought this lovely pot from "Bäsna trädgård".....

Vit o blå kruka är aldrig fel till en pelargon...
White and blue pot is never wrong to a pelargonium (geranium)
Kom in i matrummet...här står lite fika framdukat! Varsågod!
Come on in to the dining room...Here is the afternoon coffee waiting...Please help Yourself!
Drottning för en dag... så kan man behöva känna sig ibland! Kronan kommer från Bäsna trädgård.
Queen for a needs to feel like that sometimes! the crown is from Bäsna trädgård.
Tack för besöket! Välkommen igen!
Thank´s for the visit ! Do come again!
7 kommentarer:
Oh Liisa ~ what a beautiful walk it was!!! Your flowers are just lovely, the pale pink is my very favorite. I just love the crown placed in the plant! Hope you have a wonderful day...xxoo, Dawn
Hi Liisa!
I had such a lovely walk with you in your garden. It was so relaxing and refreshing! And the coffee and treats were a special end to the day. Thank you for visiting me, I will be back to see you regularly. I love your blog!
Hugs, Sherry
They are all beautiful but that first photo! It looks like it's made of paper- wonderful!!
Hi Liisa, I enjoyed the flowers and the coffee.
I am so envious (in a nice friendly way of course) of your ability to grow the blue poppies. I've wanted to grow them ever since I first saw a picture of one long ago. But I can't even find seeds for them. They're so beautiful.
Thank you for a wonderful and all tastes shivering walk in your beautiful garden. And for the coffee, too.
Have a nice week and Midsummer!
Nydelige blomster! Ønsker deg og alle dine en flott midtsommerfeiring : )
Hilsen Marianne
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