Inte ett spår... / Not a footprint...
Vi är fortfarande hemma idag fast mycket bättre. Barnen sitter och ser på en film och jag kan inte låta bli att posta några vackra snöbilder som jag tog när jag hämtade in posten alldeles nyss!
We are still at home but feeling much better today. The children are watching a film and I can´t keep away from posting some lovely photos I took just a few minutes ago while fetching the mail!

Vårt hus i snöskrud /
Our house
Man kan ana vinterträdgården i sin vintersömn /
You can catch a glimpse of the orangerie (closed for the winter )
Vattenkällan / The well

Lusthuset som är ett renoveringsobjekt /
A renovatingobject: the gazebo

Ljuset ändrar sig snabbt! /
The light changes quickly!
I morgon bär det av till arbete och skola och jag håller fortfarande på med min lilla saga... men den kommer!
Tomorrow we are off to work and school and in my head is still the little saga...eventually it will be ready for posting I hope!
11 kommentarer:
I'm so very glad that you and your family are feeling better! I do wish for you to feel wonderful, though....Your photos are breathtaking and magical, I love them! Wishing you health, xxoo, Dawn
What marvellous photos of your beautiful house in the snow Liisa - just magical scenes. I have a gazebo also - it's outside this window where I'm sitting at my kitchen table, and in brillant sunshine today, quite warm also.
So glad you are getting better - know it will be hard having to go back to school and work tomorrow. Sitting home and enjoying that scenery sounds so relaxing. Does a bus come for the children?
Take care.
Ljuvliga vinterbilder och ert hus är ju sagolikt vackert!!!! Mari.
Åh det ser ut som i en sagovärld, helt underbart! Vad jag har saknat snön denna vinter...tur att man kan njuta av den på såna här fina bilder!
Ha det så bra!
Liisa these photographs are brilliant!!! Simply breathtaking -- I especially love the one that leads to the orangerie -- I so wanted to walk through the bower to go in there!!!
Hi Liisa so glad you are feeling better, just can't beleive your photographs, they are stunning, so beautiful gorgeous, thankyou for sharing your snow. xx
Have a peacefull getting better weekend
Huhs Lynn xx
Jeg kjenner at jeg lengter etter snø når jeg ser disse vakre bildene! Vi har hatt slikt vær i en helg nå i januar, men akk så fort snøen forsvant igjen! Håper på mer snø i denne måned, så kan våren komme i mars : )
Ønsker dere alle god helse!
Hilsen fra Marianne
The photos of the snow outside your home are beautiful. It looks magical. Hope the birthday party goes well. Those cinnamon buns look so yummy. I think I can almost smell them.
Vilka vackra snöbilder. Rena NEJ det skall vi inte tänka på nu. Vackert snö har vi inte sett mycket av här nere i Skåne i år. Skönt av ni mår bättre. Ha det bra. Kram!
All your photos and artwork are simply stunning - I'm very glad I found your blog so far away across the globe!
I just love your blog, all the lovely stories & amazing pictures. My grandfather was born in Sweden & migrated here when he was 33 so I have family that I hope to visit one day and see your amazing country. Your home is beautiful and these winter seens are enchanting!!!
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