I feel sorry for her as she´s being haunted and stressed by rude media and press. BUT no one can take away the talent she´s born with. I would like to see the persons that are spitting on her standing on the stage like her with 10 miliones of people watching her...I mean I would pee myself down! I tremble and my knees get weak from an audience of 20 people!! So what ever the outcome is tonight, if she gets a big blackout or begins to cry on stage that doesn´t mean a thing. In my eyes she has already won and I´m looking forward to buy her first CD! So GO SUSAN GO!!!
UPDATE! Susan came on second place...she performed with the same tune "I dreamed a dream" and sang it even better this time...but the dancegroup Diversity won! They were also fantastic! Anyway I believe Susans dream has come through! She can call herself a professional singer from this day on! Congratulations!!

While I´m painting in my "summerstudio" as much as I can I keep thinking of all the Susans that are out there. Born with talents that they never get the chance to develop. My husbands mother is a good example of that. she was also born with a very beautiful voice and was big musical talent. Even the chief of the community offered to pay for her musical education...BUT...her father said NO...the girl must work! So that was the end of that. Ten children she had and worked hard as a farmer...finally she had a psycological break down. Think if she had had the chance to live her dream!...

Pelargonen "Prins Nikolai" i min sommarstudio....
The geranium "Prince Nikolai" in my summerstudio....
Det är väldigt stökigt!....men jag intalar mig själv att det är bättre med ett kreativt kaos än ett rent helvete!....
What a mess!..I keep saying to myself: I prefer a creative caos before a "pure hell"....
En liten förhandstitt på vad som kommit ur mina händer...små prinsessor!...
A sneek peek of what I have been creating...little princesses!...

En tjuvtitt på en tavla som är klar...
a sneekpeek on a painting that´s finnished...

Bonusdottern kommer och ser till sina hästar....

Kolla mig!...

Jag passar på att önska alla mammor en Glad Mors Dag!
I send my congratulations to all mothers on Mothers Day!