söndag 21 juni 2009

Vem där? / Who´s there?

Men titta där! Vem kommer på kvällsbesök?...

But look over there! Who´s paying us a visit in the evening?...

Bakom nävan "Johnsson Blue"....

Behind the geranium "Johnsson Blue"...

Nämen...herr eller fru Igelkott? ...Så söööt man kan vara med blänkande nos!...

Godness me...mr or ms Hedgehog I believe?....so sweet with that little shiny nose!

mmmgh....gott det här....

mmmmhpf....this is tasty....

Mums, mums...kattmat smakar ypperligt!...

Yummy...a cats meal tastes delicious!...

Slurp!! Tack för maten! Bäst att jag traskar hem till familjen!...

Slurp!! Thanks for the dinner! I´d better go home to my family now!...

Ha en trevlig vecka...Vi ses!
Have a nice week...I´ll see You

8 kommentarer:

  1. That is just about the cutest thing ever. I would love to find a hedgehog lurking about in my garden. Instead, I find possums (they are kind of cute too).

  2. Liisa,

    Love your photo essays.. so very cute and always so inviting.. just like a nice glass of wine! Happy Summer to you! xoxo.. Lisa

  3. Hoppas att ni får en skön semester hälsa familjen.
    Solskenskramar Tiina

  4. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful little visitor. He showed his gratefulness with that slurp. How cute and he let you snap his picture. Amazing! I love your garden. That blue geranium is gorgeous. I enjoyed this post. Thanks for sharing your little visitor.

  5. Ja de är verkligen söta de där krabaterna. Jättefina bilder! /linnea-maria

  6. You live in an enchanted garden with story book creatures in it! What a wonderful entry! Really enjoyed it. Suumer and gardens go together...I live next to a park in the center of the city...and I feel fortunate to start my days there with my dog.

  7. Love hedgehogs - always had one in my garden in England but don't have them over here. That last pic where he's licking his lips is just adorable - wonderful shots Liisa, thanks.

    We had a large raccoon walk across our deck a few days ago - they can be dangerous as they carry rabies so we chased him off!!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!