tisdag 23 juni 2009


Kvällen är ljum och fantastisk...så ljust fastän klockan är snart 21:30. Tänker på Louis Armstrong och Aretha Franklins " Summertime"... Så här kan sköna lata sommartiden tolkas hos mig här och nu!...

The evening is so warm and wonderful...such sunlight despite the late hour (a benefit of living in the northern hemisphere!) I´m thinking of Louis Armstrong and Aretha Franklins "Summertime"...This is how I interpret the sweet lazy summertime here and now!...

Summertiiiime! ...

And the living is easy.....

Fish are jumping.....

And the cotton is high!....

Oh, Your daddy´s rich....

And Your Ma is good looking!....

So hush little baby....Don´t You cry........

Ha en skön sommarkväll! Speciellt mina arbetskamrater som fortfarande ska jobba! ;) Vi ses!

Have a nice summerevening! Especially my coworkers who still have to work! ;) I´ll see Ya!

4 kommentarer:

  1. very nicely done...by the way.. i know this is lame but we have the same iron.. LOL

  2. Such wonderful images of summertime. I love the little legs and feet on the blanket. Children are so carefree. What a wonderful post.
    Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog. I so enjoy reading yours, as well.
    Tammy ;D

  3. Summertime, what a great song, and how perfectly illustrated with your photos

  4. Your photos, along with one of my favorite songs, is so perfect for Summer - great post Liisa, I love it.

    I always enjoy the Summer evenings so much when in Europe - it feels like the day goes on forever and then it gets cool and pleasant. Here, it's dark around 8 PM and still so hot and humid - as you know by now, I'm not a hot weather person!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!