fredag 19 juni 2009

Midsommardrömmar /Midsummer dreams

Midsommarkväll...regnet lättade lagom till majstångsresningen i byn...Välkommen du med!...

Midsummers eve...the rain stopped just in time for our annual raising of the maypole in our village...You´re welcome to join our evening!...

I morse bäddade jag rent med vackert linne köpt på loppis...själv behöver jag inte längre lägga sju blommor under kudden för att drömma...(jag är ju redan gift!)...

This morning I made the beds with fresh linen bought from the fleamarket...I no longer need to put seven different flowers under my pillow to dream...(well I´m already married!) ...otherwise You dream about Your husband to be...

Kransar har vi bundit av midsommaren magiska blommor...magisk dagg fanns det ju gott om!...

We made our midsommerwreaths from the magical midsommerflowers...and there is plenty of the magical dew everywhere!...

Midsommarstången blev klädd och rest av starka bybor...

The maypole was decorated and raised with the help of strong men from the village...

De härliga spelmännen från byn fick fart på både gammal och ung...

The wonderful local musicians got everyone on their feet...young and old...

Dansen virvlade....

The whirling dance...

Vi hade roligt!...

We had fun!...

Alla barn hade roligt också!...

All the children had fun too!...

Ångbåten lade till...

The steamboat joined us...

Till och med hästen fick en krans...

Even the horse got a wreath...

Jordgubbar och en nytapetserad hall!...I det runda fönstret kan man kika ut från bastun!...

Strawberries and the hall with new wallpaper... the round window gives You a view from the sauna!...

Tapeterna blev bra tycker jag nog...

I think I like the new wallpapers...

Välkommen till all god mat...

Welcome to the table...with all the delicious food ...

Och en snaps förstås!...

And a schnapps of course!...

Och sist men inte minst...jordgubbar med glass!...

And last but not least...strawberries with icecream!...

Ha en skön midsommar! Dröm sött! Vi ses...

Have a wonderful Midsummer! Dream sweat dreams! I´ll see ya...

4 kommentarer:

  1. How very charmning! I love rituals, and this is such a happy and beautiful tradition. For me it is like a story from a special book. Your home is wonderful, the table inviting, and the food looks delicious. Thank you for a tour of your world.

  2. Liisa, I wanted so much to be there, in the village for the festivities, and then sitting at your beautifully decorated table.

    Is it really already Midsummer's Day there - how can that be? Is your Summer truly so short?
    The pictures are exquisite, the people look so happy and the children beautiful in their lovely clothes.

    I danced the maypole as a child in England - it was the May Day celebration. I loved wrapping the colored ribbons around the tall pole as we danced to old English folk music.

    Your new wallpaper DOES look gorgeous - I know I would love your house both inside and out.

    Have a beautiful weekend - hope the rain stays away. It's going to be close to 100 degrees here - thank goodness for air conditioning!

  3. Hi Liisa
    Your midsummer celebration looks like something out of the movies. All the colorful clothing and the flower wreath are so beautiful. And the spread of food on your table is wonderful. It looks like you had a special time.
    Hugs Rhondi

  4. This all looks beautiful....and your table looks wonderful...happy summer solistice to you and your family....


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!