lördag 13 juni 2009

Ta en kopp! / Pour yourself a cup!

Kom in och ta dig en kopp fika! Kanske ur den här vackra lilla rosenkoppen som jag nyss hittade på loppis...tsss, jag kan inte låta bli när en sån här skönhet dyker upp!...

Come on in and have yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee! Perhaps from this little beauty that I just found in a thriftstore....aahhh,I just can´t stop myself when a beauty like this appears in front of my eyes!...

Regnet ömsom vräker ner eller duggar mest hela tiden...men det är ju faktiskt då som blommor och blad får sån lyster...

The rain keeps on falling ,sometimes like from a bucket and sometimes like a misty fog...but it is actually then when the flowers and the leaves shine with such beauty...

Jag måste trotsa regnet för att njuta av alla dofter från trädgården...det doftar så friskt i regn...

I have to go out in the garden despite the rain and inhale all the wonderful scents from all the flowers...everything gets so fresh in the rain...

Och vad gör man för att trösta sig en sån här regnig dag...en nybakt citronkaka med färskbryggt kaffe...mmm det doftar så gott!

And what do I do to comfort myself on such a rainy day...a newly baked lemoncake with freshly brewed coffee...mmm that smells so heavenly!

En annan skönhet från en loppis...pressglas kan jag inte heller motstå så speciellt mycket!...

Another beauty from a thriftstore...a pretty lightblue sugarbowl...one other thing I cant resist either!...

I trädgården härskar små prinsessor och älvor ...det är jag säker på. Se här...någon har glömt sin krona!...

My garden is ruled by little princesses an fairys... I´m sure. Just look...someone forgot the crown!...

Regnet faller och det lider mot midsommar...verkar ju logiskt. Vädret brukar inte vara det bästa i denna ljuva sommartid...

The rain keeps on falling and we are heading towards midsummers eve...seems logical. The weather is usually not the best when we celebrate this enchanting beginning of summer...

Men midsommarrosens knoppar brister snart ut i en kaskad av ljuvligt doftande små gräddvita rosor...så midsommaren är välkommen!

But the buds on the midsummer rose will soon burst in to a cascade of lovely cremewhite little roses with a heavenly scent...so lets welcome midsummer!

Ha en skön vecka! Vi ses!

Have a lovely week! I´ll see You!

7 kommentarer:

  1. Aaaahhh...how serene your day must have been sipping tea and photographing your gorgeous flowers and then to be topped off by a lovely lemon cake with a cup of tea in such a pretty little teacup. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. Your words are so eloquently spoken.

  2. Vackra blomsterbilder och den citronkakan såg smaskig ut.
    Jag länkar till din vackra blogg från min om det är OK.

  3. Very nice photos and a well spent day... lemon cake... I could almost smell it :) Love the tea cup, I'm sure I wouldn't have left the shop without it too!

  4. Hello Ottilias,
    Things are looking beautiful in your Veranda! It's almost here!!
    Happy Summer!


  5. Prettiest teacup...and I love lemon cake!

    Beautiful flowers Liisa - you really captured the colors in the rain, and I know the fairies are hiding in the leaves and petals.

  6. I just "found" your beautiful blog and I am enchanted with yourself, your photos, your themes. What lushious photos you take!
    I have been a gipsy all my life, born and raised in Mozambique, and have lived and moved countries, and continents every 2 or 4 years. I am a painter and a children's boook writer and illustrator. I would love for you to have a look at my blog, started only 3 weeks ago. Here's the link:
    I am including your blog in my favorites so I can visit it all the time.
    I live in Madrid. Celeste

  7. First thing in the morning I visited your blog and heard music! What perfect background for your photos.

    I am just a beginner with the blog, but I am learning.

    Looking forward to your new entries, Celeste P.S. Thank you for your kind comment in my blog!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!