onsdag 24 december 2014

Jul medley 2014 / Christmas medley 2014

Välkommen till ett litet Jul fotoexcursion hos oss på Wildrosa Gård!...

Welcome to a photo medley at our house Wildrosa Gård!...

Julbord såsom vår svensk-finska tradition bjuder...

Christmas smörgasbord with our Swedish/Finnish traditional food...

Bordet dukat...

Table is set...

Karelian pirogues...

Filmjölkskaka enligt tradition!...

Traditional christmas cake!...

Alla barnen..nästan nu med tillskottet "Pumkin" ! ....

All the children...almost...now with the additional "Pumpin"!...

Älskar gamla tomtar...

Love antique christmas decorations..

Och...granen står så grann i stugan...

Christmas tree, decorated this morning...

Efterrätt...här ska ätas!

Dessert...we are eating all evening!...

Ängeln övervakar friden...

The Angel watches over us...

Tomtar tomtar...

Från Oss Alla till ER Alla... En riktigt GOD JUL!

From All of Us To All of You... A Merry Christmas...Happy Holidays!

1 kommentar:

  1. Hi dear Liisa - I'm SO happy that you have posted here at Christmas!! I've missed you and have wondered how life is going in beautiful Sweden.

    This pics are wonderful - I love seeing your traditional foods - the pirogues and cake especially. The children have grown so big now - is that you lying down on the sofa? Are you the only blonde in your family?

    Your lovely home looks so inviting in the winter light and with the pretty Christmas tree - thanks so much for sharing with us.

    As Christmas is coming to a close, I send good wishes and hope your day was joyful. Please don't stay away so long! What are you painting these days?

    Happy, healthy, joyful New Year.
    Your friend - Mary xoxoxoxo


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!