söndag 7 september 2014

Höst i trädgården /Autumn in my gardern

Höst...sitter här med rinnande näsa och halsont...ett återkommande gissel verkar det som med skolstarter...

Autumn...sitting here with a running nose and a sore throat...an annual scourge it seems with the school start again....

hur som helst måste man njuta av nuet!...

anyways...let's enjoy the now!

känns som sommar fast med högt i tak...

feels like summer but with a crispy clear sky...

potatis och lök upptagen...

potatoes and onions harvested....

rond 2 för rosorna...

the roses are in secon blooming...

kryddor ...vill ha mer såna...

Herbs...want to have more of those...

Hösten till trots är det torka i rabatterna...

Drought in the flowerbeds allhough it's autumn...

krasse måste jag ha mycket mer av nästa höst...

Cress (?) nasturtium...also want much more of these nex autumn...

surt sa räven...

Rowan berries....

Blev inte många solrosor heller i år...verkar som om fåglarna är bättre på att så såna!

Sun flowers...it seems that the birds are better at planting the seeds!

Färgsprakande...det måste hösten få vara!...

Color explosions...belongs to autumn...

nu väntar vi på att äpplen skall mogna...så där i oktober!

waiting for the apples to ripen...in october!

Ha en underbar dag! Vi ses!

Have a wonderful day! I'll see you later!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Ah Liisa dear, your beautiful garden is perfect, flowers, berries, apples and herbs, I love them all.

    So sorry you are not well - hope you feel much better very soon.

    School is back here too - but the weather is still so hot - close to 100F all last week, cooling a bit today after rain last night. I'm ready for Autumn, my favorite season - will soon be gathering pumpkins and getting ready for Halloween, the year goes by much too quickly.

    Hope the family are well and that Summer was good for you all.

    Love, Mary

    P.S. Still thinking about my day in beautiful Stockholm - hope to come again some day to see more of the countryside.

  2. ¡qué jardín tan bonito!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!