söndag 31 mars 2013

The Lightkeeper New painting...

"The Lightkeeper" Acrylic on canvas 30x90 cm by Eva-Liisa ,For Sale!

Nu är hon klar...Gudinnan som vaktar ljuset ... "The Lightkeeper"...Med henne kommer våren!...

Now she is finished .. The Goddess that guards the Light..."The Lightkeeper"...and with her comes Spring!...

Hon finns tillgänglig för "adoption"! :) 

She's available "for adoption"  :) 

Ha en underbar fortsatt Påskhelg i det vackra vädret! Vi ses!

Have a wonderful Easter Holiday and hope your weather is as lovely as ours! See you later!

2 kommentarer:

  1. she is breathtaking....as are all the women you paint, simply beautiful ! I am sure you'll sell her fast ! Love your colourchoices and am still amazed it's acrylics, looks like oils xx J

  2. Liisa, she's just awesome and makes me realize, yet again, what an amazing artist you are.

    Sounds like your weather is Springlike by now - ours is mixed and Spring is late - but every day is special and Easter though wet, was a lovely celebration as always. The rain will bring the flowers soon.

    Hugs - Mary


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!