söndag 17 mars 2013

Gyllene morgon!/Golden Morning!

Aaah!, gyllene morgonsol och en kopp kaffe....

Aaah, golden morning sun and a cup of coffee...

Så ljuvligt...luften fylls av solvarmt fågelkvitter och fladdrande vingslag...

So heavenly...the air is filled with birdsong and fluttering of wings ...bathing in warm sunlight...

Solen är underbar...gyllene strålar...

The sun is wonderful...golden beams...

jag är rätt så fin ...eller hur?  :) 

I'm quite beautiful...don't you think?  :)

Leka med mig ...jaaa! Ossi och Leon...

Play with me...yeaaaahooo! Ossi and Leon the cat...




Du och jag...vi är kompisar..eller hur? ...

You and I..we are friends...aren't we?...

psssst..!  Ok Ok!..

Liiite i alla fall?...

Just a tiny bit...huh?

Äh ...käka lite snö och is...det går bra det med!

Gah!...chew some ice and snow...that will do too!

Ha en Uuunderbar dag! Vi ses!

Have a Wonderful sunny day! I'll see you later!

1 kommentar:

  1. Hello dear Liisa - sending wishes to you for Spring even though you still have a lot of snow I think! Much of the northern states here are blanketed in snow and friends in Canada had another 12" yesterday, brrrrrrr it's cold up there!

    Here we have sunny, warmer days, cold nights still, but Spring has definitely arrived and flowers are blooming, birds singing.

    Love your dog and cat pictures - they are beautiful animals.

    Hope life is good and all is well.
    Happy days - Mary


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!