söndag 2 december 2012

Vit Advent / White Advent

Välkommen 1:a Advent!...underbar morgon!...

Welcome 1'st of Advent!  It's a wonderful morning!...

Adventsljusen är uppe...liksom solen!

The Advent lights and stars are up...just like the sun!

I vinterträdgården råder ett stilla lugn...om än kyligt...

In my Wintergarden everything is calm...a bit chilly though...

Ljus...Sol..Snö!  ...allt som kan tänkas lysa upp är välkommet!

Candles...Sun...Snow! ...everything that lights up is welcome!

Snart vänder det...mot en annan tid...en bättre varmare mer kärleksfull sådan!...

Soon it turns around again...towards another time...a better warmer more loving time!..

Ha en underbar första Advent...snart vankas det Julskyltningsrunda!

Have a wonderful first of Advent! Soon we will go to the traditional "Christmas window display of shops in town"! ..haha..there is no english word for this annual happening where the shops show their christmas decorations for the first time! This tradition has lost it's meaning nowadays when shops start to decorate in the midst of November. When I was a child the shops were closed on this sunday but all the windows were filled with wonderful christmasdecorations and moving Santas,,,times change

Trevlig Helg! Vi ses!

Have a lovely weekend! I'll see you later!

1 kommentar:

  1. Lovely post, as usual. :-)
    I especially love the star in the window! Is that illuminated by the sun shining in, or electrically? It's beautiful!

    ~ Deb


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