torsdag 6 december 2012

Äntligen Snö! / Finally Snow!

Snön faller...inne är det mysigt...Damen i soffan har inte hittat sin plats än..
hon är fortfarande till salu!..

Snow is falling cozy indoors...The Lady in the couch hasn't found her place yet...
she is still for sale!...

Min favorit Tänkar jag får slåss om den
med katterna Esmeralda och Acacia!...

My favourite Thinking Rocking Chair...although I have to fight for it
with the female cats of the house  Esmeralda and Acacia!

Snön det är riktigt skönt att skotta snö när det bara är 8 grader kallt...kinderna blossar så härligt, lungorna fylls med frisk luft!... fast bara man slipper göra det varje dag! ;)

Snow is falling...but I really enjoy showeling snow when the temperature is only 8 degrees Celsius...the cheeks blossom in red, the lungs fill with fresh air...wonderful! As long as I don't have to do it every day! ;)

I dag firar vi Finlands självständighetsdag! Vi tänder ljus vid fönstret...

Today we celebrate Finlands Independence Day! We light candles by the window...

Ha en underbar helg! Vi ses!

Have a wonderful Weekend! I'll see you later!

2 kommentarer:

  1. I LOVE your porch... it is so beautiful when it has lights on! Happy Independence day to you too!

  2. Liisa, so much snow already!!!! Looks really beautiful though - your house is so pretty lit for evening. I love the fireplace/stove and your very cozy rocking chair............and all those wonderful books and paintings on the walls. Please show us more of this delightful home when you have time - it all looks so inviting and warm for the Winter months which have now arrived.

    I'm off soon, home to England for Christmas - very excited even though only a quick trip - just want to have a traditional English Christmas while I still can!!!! After that, another big exciting trip in Jan. I'll post about it soon!

    Blessings to you and your lovely family - may Christmas be full of wonder and the New Year bring you good health and much happiness and joy.

    Warm hugs - take care shoveling all that snow!
    Love, Mary x


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!