söndag 2 maj 2010

Mayday Mayday!

Många dagar har gått, tiden rinner iväg! Våren har gjort sin officiella entré...

It has been many days,  Time just runs to fast! The spring is officially here...

Och så gjorde även den 1:a maj...

And the first of May...

Tiden rinner iväg utan att ta hänsyn till om vi hinner följa med!...

Time runs off without asking if we keep up with the speed!...

Vissa saker åldras med behag...

Some things grow old with grace...

andra behöver sig en rejäl ansiktsupplyftning till våren...

others need a major repair...

Majbrasan kan vara ett bra sätt att göra sig av med gammalt...

The bonfire at Valpurgis Eve can be an alternative to get rid of old stuff!...

Andra saker spirar i sin ungdomliga skönhet! Grattis Margona på 20-årsdagen!!

Other stuff flourish in the beauty of youth! Happy 20`th Birthday Margona !!

Ha en trevlig majdag alla! Vi ses!

Happy Mayday to you! I´ll see you later!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Visst går tiden bara så fort nu när våren är här. Man har en lång lista varje dag på saker som man borde hinna med, vilket man naturligtvis inte gör....men det får gå ändå. Man måste ju hinna njuta av allt det vackra också. ha en fortsatt skön maj. Kram!!

  2. great post Liisa... i especially love the photos of all those old wood textures and the window!!

  3. happy may day to you also. nothing sweeter than a may basket,which i did not receive, but........i did not give any either. Bestest,Denise i used to deliver may baskets.

  4. Liisa - great pics and stories of your Swedish traditions - always love to read of them.

    Yes, May is here and clean-up time in the garden and around the house. We cleaned out the fireplace - have to get the chimney sweep to come - and have been working hard in the garden now that everything is growing fast! Planted tomatoes, cucumbers and a few French beans, also plenty of herbs - love to have Basil for Summer meals. Already very hot here and little rain - I think it may be a very hot Summer this year!

    Liisa I'm off to Africa on the safari trip next week! Excited, and a tiny bit scared, but know it will be a great adventure! Won't be commenting for a while - no computers! Hope to have lots of photos to show you later.

    Hugs - Mary
    A Breath of Fresh Air

  5. Good to see the snow has stopped!!!
    I can't wait for some warmth xx
    Hugs Lyn xxxx
    Hope you are having fun creating x


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!