lördag 24 april 2010

Loppis och trädgård! / Fleamarket and gardens!

Perfekt lördag för en tur till Bäsna!...Nu vankas det  Lions Loppis och trädgårdsbesök!...

Perfect saturday for a trip to Bäsna, a half an hour drive up north....time for the Lions Fleamarket and garden visits!...

Packade in barnen , ringde till mormor och så for vi...

In with the kids in the car, phoned my mother and off we went...

Packat med folk...kö och kassarna redo!...

Jammed with people, a long queue...go to have the bags ready!...

Fort in och "scanna" av hyllorna och borden för att få syn på godsakerna...

Get in fast and "scan" all the shelves and tables for goodies...

 Roligt och stressigt...prylarna flyger av hyllorna...ingen tid för eftertanke!...

Fun and stressful...the goodies are flying off the shelves...no time to think twice!...

I bland hitar man riktigt fina saker...

Sometimes you find really nice things...

priserna är alltid mycket resonabla!...Barnen tyckte det var jätteroligt att fynda för 10 kronor...

the prices are always very reasonable!...the kids loved to find bargains for a dollar...

Och bästa av allt...Bäsna trädgård ligger alldeles bredvid!...

And the best of all..The gardens of Bäsna is just around the corner!...

Mycket vackert att titta på...

A lot of beauty to see...

Krokus i full blom...

Crocus in full bloom... (just check above how easy it is to learn Swedish!)

Så vackert ställe!...

Such a beautiful place!...

Groda på is!...

The frogs were awake...skating on ice!..

...och under is!...

...and under the ice!...

Kackel från hönshuset...

Cackle from the henhouse...

Istappar  i solen...

Icicles in the sun...

rostiga rosor...

rusty roses...

Lite saft i lilla cafeét..och sen hem!...

A little juice in the little café ...and then home!...

En helt glimrande dag! Ha en underbar helg, vi ses!

A glimmering day! Have a lovely weekend, I´ll see you later!

4 kommentarer:

  1. ok that looks SO fantastic..so many goodies.. a grab and run moment where you can't think too long about whether you want something! Did you buy any cool stuff???

  2. What a spectacular day! I love spending my days this way. Everything looks so beautiful, hope you found lots of beautiful things to bring home.

  3. Åh vad härligt med loppis. Jag ska äntligen gå på gårdsloppis i helgen. Kram /Therese

  4. ....a glimmering day, what a lovely way to say it! Looked really beautiful there - did you buy any of those pretty things Liisa? Nice day out with the kids and your mom - glad the sun was shining.

    Mary - A Breath of Fresh Air
    (formerly Across The Pond)


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!