onsdag 4 juni 2008

Veranda party! / Front porch party!

Rhondi på rosecolored glasses har bjudit in till veranda party den 5:e juni. Man skall posta en bild av sin "front porch" alltså motsvarande förstukvist i Sverige eller posta en bild på önskeverandan. Vår förstukvist är i desperat behov av renovering och skall egentligen glasas in...när vi får tid....eller ork...och pengar! Men här är den i allafall.

Rhondi at Rosecolored glasses invites to a front porch party on june the 5´th. Your supposed to post a picture of your front porch or of a "dreamporch". Porches, like in the USA, are not very common in Sweden. This is the front of our house with a "porch" in desperate need of renovation. It will be replaced with a glass porch....when we get the time....or the strength...and the money! But anyway here it is.

Och till sist...en goding...en sån där blombild igen! "The beauty of Moscow" heter denna fantastiska syren...
And at last...one of those flower photos again! "The beauty of Moscow! A fantastic lilac...

Ha de´ och tack för att du tittar in till lilla mig!

Have awonderful day and thanks for visiting little me!

37 kommentarer:

  1. Hey Liisa! What a beautiful blog you have. I used to live in Sweden many years ago and think your house is just amazing! I love your front porch as it is very traditional. I remember being in Dalarna at Carl Larsson's home and loving his little porch.


  2. Similar to England, we dont really use front porches in the same way.....but I wish we did!

  3. So beautiful, I love your home and I love this blog. What a gorgeous place you live in. Karen

  4. Your home is very charming, I love the front porch as is! Happy Birthday, and your kitty is cute too!

  5. Your home is very charming! I like the front porch as is. Happy Birthday! Your kitty is cute too!

  6. Your home is beautiful! I LOVE lilacs :) Thank you so much for sharing!


  7. You home and surroundings are just lovely. So calm and serene looking. Thanks for joining our party...so nice to see other parts of the world!

  8. Hello :)

    Your home is beautiful and I love your front porch. Wonderful blog too! I would love to travel to your country some day.

    rue :)

  9. Hi Liisa,
    What a lovely house and blog you have here. I am so glad to have found your blog through the Porch Party!

  10. Wow, your house is amazing!!! I just love it, thanks for sharing!!! :) xo!

  11. So cute Liisa, I love it! I would love to visit Sweden some day but alas it seems our son is our only world traveler thus far.

    Truly lovely! And happy birthday to you!


  12. What a beautiful home!!! It looks like something from a storybook!
    Have a lovely day!
    -Heather :)

  13. Your home is just beautiful. We all have things we want to do, but have to do them a little at the time.

    I love seeing homes in other countries, and your home is charming.

  14. SO sweet and adorable!
    xxxooo ruth

  15. Hi Liisa!
    I thought I stepped into a lovely storybook when I saw your beautiful home! It has so much personality. Your blog is wonderful and your photography is beautiful! Thank you for sharing in the Front Porch Party or I would have never found you. I'm so glad I know you are here! I will be back to visit often to hear about your story you are writing. It sounds so interesting. By the way, I found your cats adorable, what a camera clown he/she is!!
    Hugs from Ohio, Sherry

  16. You have a beautiful home! Your porch is charming and that little balcony is magnificent. The detail work on the railing is so delicate looking!

    Thanks for stopping by to visit me. You r blog is wonderful.

    :-) Rosie

  17. Liisa,
    Your cottage is so cute. I love it. The flowers are beautiful too.

  18. Liisa, So wonderful to meet you and see your gorgeous cottage home. It is so welcoming and your porch is charming. I love your blog and your lilac bush is gorgeous!
    For one year we had an international exchange student from Sweden. She was a wonderful girl and we had an amazing year. Learned a lot from her too.
    Thank you for stopping by my porch party today too I hope to see you again.
    Celestina~ la rea rose

  19. Hi Liisa - I always love stopping by your home - it's so beautiful and peaceful looking.

    Glad you joined in the porch party.
    Have a wonderful week -
    Hugs - Mary (Across the Pond)

  20. Liisa, Your yard and home look so pretty. Loved seeing the lilac. Sweden in the Spring!

    I included photos of my grandmothers porch in Tidaholm, and my grandfathers in Gotland in my second porch post on porches. You see I love all things Swedish.
    Kathy b

  21. Hi Liisa, you have a beautiful house and porch. It is really inviting, thank you for sharing. Have a Blessed Day, Bonnie

  22. What a beautiful house and yard! I think your porch looks lovely. I especially love the roofline on your house.

  23. Your home is beautiful and I love the lilac. Thank you for sharing.

  24. The lilac is spectacular and I can't wait to visit again on your front porch.

  25. Hello Liisa!

    What a beautiful home you have! I love your front porch and lovely gardens! How blessed you are! I loved my visit with you!


  26. P.S. My Mother is half Swedish and my Granfather is all Swedish. My mother's maiden name was Walberg. It was changed from Volberg to Walberg when they came to America! Hope to visit Sweden someday!


  27. Hello from Southern California! I just love to view pictures on blogs from other countries. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed my visit to Sweden!
    Love, Ann

  28. Greetings from Germany to Sweden

    Your home looks inviting

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  29. What a beautiful home! So very pretty! It's nice to meet you!

  30. Hi Liisa
    I am very late in coming to see your porch but there were so many people it's taken a long time to see them all.
    Happy birthday. I think your porch is charming.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  31. Ahhhh, love that front porch... so pretty; and that white balcony is so romantic! Your blog is pretty, and soothing; love the colors and banner.

    Thanks for stopping by my house in the roses....



  32. Hi Liisa, I LOVE your house. And thank you for visiting my porch, please come again, anytime.

  33. Hi liisa: I love your house! is so cute! congatulation.
    Nice to meet you.
    I add your blog in my favorite, becouse I would visit soon
    see you next time! Marina

  34. What a lovely home you have and the lilacs... one of my favorite flowers, are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  35. Greeeeeeeen!! I love it- so beautiful!!

  36. I love that sweet balcony! Your home is beautiful, lilacs are so pretty!

  37. Hi Liisa!
    I am so glad you visited my blog the other day for Rhondi's porch party. It gave me a chance to come visit you! I have enjoyed reading through your blog. My husbans family several generations back were from Sweden. Our last name is Carlson...


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!