söndag 8 juni 2008

Tack! / Thank You!

Tackar o bockar för alla trevliga besök här hos mig! Jag tackar på detta viset eftersom jag inte hunnit besöka alla eller svarat på alla kommentarer... jag har varit jobbat och jobbat med min "potager" och alla plantor...burit på 25 kg tunga betongplattor...puh! Vilket gym man har här hemma alldeles gratis! Jag måste ha gått ner ett kilo eller två!!

Thank You for all Your warming comments! I have to thank everybody this way since I haven´t had the time to visit You back or reply to all the comments. What a great party! I haven´t got through all the participants on the list but I will do so when I get the chance! I have been working and digging and planting and carrying around 25 kilo heavy stones...gosh!...What a gym I have here at home ...for free! I must have lost a pound or two!!

Lite bad har vi också hunnit med i denna otroliga värme!
The incredible warm weather "forced" us to go swimming a couple of times!

En av mina favoritrosor:"Finlands vita ros", eller "midsommarros"...
One of my favorite roses: "The white rose of Finland" or "midsummer rose"

En jättevacker knallblå näva: "Johnsson Blue"
A beautiful really blue Geranium : "Johnsson Blue"

Jobbet börjar igen då i morgon men ....Jag kommer tillbaks! Ciao!
Work starts again tomorrow but...I´ll be back! Ciao!

5 kommentarer:

  1. What a beautiful blog! I will be back to visit you often!

  2. Your blog and photography are beautiful. I love how you have written in two languages. Wonderful.
    Have a very nice day.

  3. Beautiful flowers! Hope you are done with your stone work and that your back is still alright! That's very hard work!! Have a good week!
    Hugs, Sherry (Ohio, USA)

  4. Hi Liisa - you've been busy! I love white lilac - bet yours smells divine. All the flowers are pretty - and that pic of your daughter in the water is lovely.

    Don't work too hard carrying those big stones.

  5. sounds like you are getting a good workout, carrying all that stone.Your flowers are lovely! Have a great day !


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!