tisdag 18 december 2007

Julstämning / In the mood for christmas

Ett änglacollage av mig / Angel collage by me

Nu börjar det brinna i knutarna. Jag har inte hunnit göra mycket men tänkte dela med mig av lite vackra bilder för att komma i julstämning! Får se om jag hinner blogga nå´t mer före jul! Men mirakel inträffar ju ibland!....

Well..It´s almost christmas and I haven´t done much so I thought I would share some lovely pictures just to get in the right mood and tell You that I probably won´t have time to post anything before christmas... but then again ...miracles do happen! ..........

Så här borde köket se ut just nu!...
This is what my kitchen should look like right now!

....jag skulle gärna göra såna här godsaker!...
...I would love to make goodies like this!....

...och för flera veckor sen skulle jag ha gjort såna här vackra dekorationer!....
...and weeks ago I should have made these kind of beautiful decorations!............

...och utomhus skulle jag naturligtvis ha pyntat så här fint!.......and of course I would have decorated outside like this!...

Men livet är som det är!...Barnen blir sjuka...jobbet tar sitt... Det blir nog jul ändå. / But life is the way it is...Children get sick..you have to be at work...Well I think christmas will come anyway!

Alla dekorationsfoton /All photos Claudi Thyrrestrup

Ha det så länge och stressa inte ihjäl dig! / Live, love , laugh and don´t stress yourself to death!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Liisa - I love your words with these beautiful photos........it's exactly how we all feel right this moment, no matter how lovely our decorating and baking efforts look! Why didn't I do that we say....perhaps file away the idea for next year. Yesterday my December English Country Living appeared in the mailbox, somewhat late - full of pretties - but NO I cannot take every down and start over. What will be will be.

    Stop by my blog - and many others - tomorrow - we are participating in the 2007 Holiday Home Tour hosted by Tracey. There will be some pretty things to see I think.
    You should add yours - you share such lovely things, and again I thank you for translating everything into English, this is wonderful!

    Christmas blessings to you and your family.

  2. Excellent advice Liisa...don't stress yourself to death..and Christmas will come anyway!! Amen to that!!

    I love the angel collage you made..it's breathtaking!!

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog all the way from Sweden, your photo's are lovely and don't worry everything will work out in the end - I still have no kitchen LOL:(.

    I love your creative posts and learning about your own traditions. I will return soon.
    best wishes Ginny

  4. Vackra foton du hittat, ljuvliga!! Jättefin pynt med ängel du tillverkat, den var sååå fin!! Ha en riktigt GOD JUL, i fall vi inte "ses" innan julen... Mari.

  5. Yes Liisa wise words....so many of us try to spread ourselves tooo thin, your post is so beautiful, all those ideas will stay with you and pop out when you need them.
    Anyway it's not always what we do but who we are, that brings the love, peace and beauty into our homes, thats all that matters my friend.
    Lynn xx

  6. Always joy is ours coming to you corner of the world! Thanks for sharing it!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!