lördag 15 december 2007

Isjakt på sjön / Ice yacht on the lake

Idag var en ljuvlig dag att vistas på sjön , jag som hastigast med kameran, andra hela dagen med sina isjakter. Det ser så kul ut! Jag måste prova detta någongång!
Today was a good day to be on the ice, me just passing by with my camera, others spent the entire day sailing on the ice with their ice yachts. It looks so fun! I have to try it some day!
Låt oss gå närmare! /Let´s sneek in closer!
Vad är det där för rök bakom träden? /What´s that smoke behind the trees?
Någon värmer upp badet.....! /Someone is heating up the bath tub......!

Det behövs en sån här kall dag! (-8 grader). Vikingar bebor detta land!! / That´s needed on a cold day like this! (-8 degrees Celsius). We sure are vikings!!
Vi går närmare isjakterna..../ Let´s go closer on the Ice yachts.....

Vilken bild! /What a picture!

Titta på lagren av färg!.. Vem säger att vintern bara är vit?? / Look at the layers of color!... Who says winter is just white??

Detta är en annan form av skoj med vintern .../ This is another way of having fun in the winter...
Ha det skoj denna lördag! /Have fun this saturday!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Helt fantastiskt vackra vinterbilder!!! Ha en bra ny vecka, Mari.

  2. Liisa, these are fabulous photographs!! I love having a closer look at life where you live. I loved the heating the bathtub!! :)

    We had a quiet Saturday and then it started to snow and it's still snowing early afternoon Sunday...very big storm has hit us. And it's VERY white!!! I loved the colours that you shared.

  3. Hello Liisa, I hope your well, I have been poorly so forgive me for not visiting. xx
    These photographs have made me long for snow and ice, oh they are so beautiful, thankyou for sharing them.
    Hugs Lynn xx


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!