söndag 20 oktober 2013

Frost in Wildrosa Garden

Frost i Wildrosa trädgård...snöfallet upplöstes på marken...ännu några dagar höst...

Frost in Wildrosa garden...the snow falling from the sky dissolved on the ground...yet a couple of days of autumn...

Färgerna är underbara...

The colors are beautiful..

Frusen kärlek...

Frozen Love...

Trädgården serverar ett skådespel av detaljer som glittrar i solen...

The garden provides a variety of details glittering in the sun...

se allt det vackra i förfallet...det eviga kretsloppet..som skall ge plats för nästa livscykel...

Se the beauty in the decay...the eternal cycle...that will give room for the nest cycle of life...

Rosor klänger sig kvar....

Roses still wanting to bloom...

Leon njuter ute i det vackra vädret...kollar in kaninerna...det är ju han som är förste kaninvakt!
Leon , the cat, is enjoying the wonderful weather...checking the rabbits...after all ..he's the no 1 Rabbit guard!

Ha en trevlig dag! Vi ses!

Have a lovely day! I'll see you later!

1 kommentar:

  1. Yes, 'frozen love' sounds right for our now changing Summertime flowers - but they always look beautiful no matter the weather.

    I just left another comment on your previous post - was away when it went up so had to catch up today.

    Beautiful photos today dear, and that Leon is the cutest rabbit guard ever! I posted today on cats too, in Europe - many who have no real homes sadly, but are taken care of quite well, unlike here in the US where feral cats are not welcomed.

    Are your computer woes over- hope so. I don't 'do' Facebook or any other social media thing so need to stay in touch with you here - please don't leave!

    Lovely warm and sunny Autumn morning here - our trees are late changing this year so still a lot of green around.

    Sending love - stay well and be happy.
    Mary in North Carolina - XOXOXO


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!