torsdag 30 augusti 2012

Return of the Goddess ...

"Return of the Goddess" New acrylic painting on canvas 60x80x3 cm

Ny tavla! Den heter "Return of the Goddess" och den har jag målat som en hyllning till alla oss kvinnor...

New painting! "Return of the Goddess" I painted it as a tribute to all us women...

Att kvinnors rättigheter överhudtaget börjar ifrågasättas igen!...

Womens rights are being questioned again!....

skrämmande...i flera länder bl.a USA börjar det på något sätt att bli legitimt att ifrågasätta kvinnors rättigheter till sin egen kropp och hälsovård!.... several countries for instance the USA it's beginning to be allright to question Womens rights to their own body and proper healthcare!...

vad vill VI ??...Vrida tillbaka klockan flera hundra år?? ...NEJ naturligtvis INTE!...Låt oss visa det!

What do WE want?? Do we want to turn back the clock several hundred years??...NO of course NOT! Let us show that!

Välkommen till min alldeles egna utställning tillsammans med min man Sven-Olov på Ramhuset i Falun. Där visar jag flera nya läckra tavlor och Sven-Olov sina skulpturer!!

Glöm inte heller Konst i Kvadrat 29-30 sept där jag ställer ut en hel del tavlor på Galleri Storsten i Ornäs!

Welcome to my own exhibition together with my husband
Sven-Olov at Gallery "Ramhuset" in Falun. I will show a lot of nice paintings and Sven-Olov will show his sculptures

Varmt välkommen! Vi ses!

Welcome! I'll see you there!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Oh how I would LOVE to come... a bit too far away, and not planning a trip to Sweden at the moment. Although it has been 11 years since the last visit!

    Please show us LOTS of pics of the exhibition!

  2. Oh Liisa, I wish I could attend your exhibition - to see your amazing paintings and your husband's sculpture!

    No, women must always stand strong when it comes to healthcare. Right now I'm so angry because my doctor's office staff is useless - I like my doctor - but I feel now I may have to change to get better care and attention.

    Happy weekend dear - enjoy the last days of Summer.

    Mary XOXOX

  3. so beautiful! I have had an idea of three goddesses in my head for some time now. You will see if all goes well! Your is beautiful!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!