tisdag 31 juli 2012

I am Life-New Painting

"I am Life" Ny tavla .... Här ser du en bit av den. Målad med akryl, bladguld, bitar av antika psalmblad på duk 30x90 cm...

" I am Life" New painting...Showing a detail of the painting, acrylic on canvas 30x90 cm, goldleaf. pieces of antique psalm book pages...

Hela tavlan i sin prakt....kommer att finnas tillgänglig på utställning i höst!

The whole painting in it's glory...will be available at an exhibition this autumn !

Ha en underbar dag, lev livet till fullo...vi ses!

Have a wonderful day...live your life fully...I'll see ya later!

5 kommentarer:

  1. oh wow! all of your paintings are so amazing-beautiful! where do you sell them? love them all-please take care~
    merle of rowan devoe

  2. Ohhhhhhh she is absolutely beautiful! Upea, aivan ihana, herkkä ja samalla voimakas. Tykkään!!!

  3. Liisa, this is such an amazingly beautiful painting - perhaps the loveliest you've shared with us! I can't believe the detail in the delicate lace curtains and roses, just gorgeous! The woman is stunning - is she someone you know?

    Hope you and the family are enjoying a prefect Summer - know it's a short one in your corner of the world so make the most of it!

    Hugs - Mary


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!