tisdag 1 maj 2012

Sköna Maj! / Beautiful May!

Sköna Maj välkommen till vår bygd igen...

Beautiful May, welcome to us again....

Välborgsmässoelden har falnat....

The Bonfire from last nights Valpurgian Eve is slowly fading...

Våren är officiellt här, i södra Sverige till och med sommar!...

Spring is officially here, in southern Sweden it is even officially summer already!...

njut av livet! ...

enjoy life!...

ta vara på varje underbar stund...

Cherish every wonderful moment...

I bland undrar jag om inte djuren vet bättre än vi!...Leon gosar i solen....

Sometimes I wonder if the animals are wiser than we!...Leon enjoying the sun...

en trygghet finns i allt återkommande...växter och djur bara är...de funderar inte!...

there is a safety in everything recurring...plants and animals just...are...they don't wonder about things!...

nåt att lära oss av...att bara vara... närvarande...

something we can learn from...just to be...in the present moment...

så jag önskar dig en skön vecka...i solen...och att du tillåter dig att bara vara! Vi ses!

so I'm wishing you a wonderful week...in the sun....and that you allow yourself to just... be! Se you later!

1 kommentar:

  1. Liisa, it's been too long since I stopped by - forgive me please. I've been so busy traveling to some amazing places around the world............I truly need more hours in my days to get everything done!

    Love your flower photos, and that gorgeous Leon looks like he's enjoying the beginning of Summer.

    On your previous post I love your acrylic of the robin and Spring blossoms...........and the bird songs accompanying your posts are perfect. My garden has similar sounds - we have several nests with baby birds growing quickly on these very warm days.

    Hope you and your family are well.
    I'll try to keep up but must warn you that I'll be off on another trip very soon!

    Happy Spring/Summer!
    Hugs - Mary


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!