tisdag 6 mars 2012

Lions konstsalong 2012 / Lions Art exhibition 2012

"Himlen i mitt hjärta"..."Heaven in my heart" New acrylic painting with goldleaf by Liisa

Våren ligger i sin linda...Välkommen på Lions Konstsalong den 25/3-31/3!
Vernissage Lördag 24/3 12:00
Coop Forum, Tyllsnäsvägen 4 , Borlänge

Spring is in the making....Welcome to the Lions Artexhibition 25/3-31/3!
Vernissage Saturday 24/3 12:00
Coop Forum, Tyllsnäsvägen 4 , Borlänge

Jag ställer ut en hel del av mina nya och äldre verk...

I will be showing e whole lot of my new and older work...

Här kan du handla med hjärtat...20 % av försäljningspriset går till Lions verksamhet...

You can shop with your heart...20 % of the price will go to Lions charity work...

Det finns även möjlighet att vinna ett litet konstverk av mig eller andra konstnärer i Lions Konst lotteri!

You have a chance to win a painting by me or other artists in the art lottery by Lions!

Välkommen  på Lions Konstsalong!
Coop Forum Tyllsnäsvägen 4 Borlänge

Vernissage 24/3 kl 12:00
sönd 25/3 11.00-15:00
månd-fred 26/3-30/3  12:00-18:00
lörd 31/3  11:00-15:00

Welcome to Lions Art Exhibition!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello from France
    Thank you for your membership in the directory,
    I like a lot
    The creation of this new blog "directory", allow a rapprochement between different countries, knowledge of different cultures and traditions.
    It's new, and if there are improvements to make, I am totally at your disposal
    The more people and more opportunities that will,
    You are in some way the Ambassador of this blog,
    It is you also have to make known after your contacts and friends,
    The success of this blog, all depends of adherent
    Your blog is in the list Brazil

    Here the image of the blog to make it known to the directory of your friends

    Tomorrow is the International Day of Women, also I want to do the little gift with the image that will be attached to this visit.
    Great day for you and your family.
    you can even place this image in your blog, it is a realization of my

    because this is my real blog

  2. Hello
    Yes do not worry! your blog is well in Sweden section!

    I apologize, it's a mistake on my part of the comment.
    Also I could be wrong, because you are the first of this country, therefore a great pleasure
    I confess that you have a very nice blog! and the music very relaxing.
    I created the blog "directory" but I also own the blog
    "sweetmelody", poems and thoughts! the graphics are my own achievements.

    Have a good day for Women


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!