söndag 11 december 2011

Ljus i Advent / Advent light

Vintern raskar...veckorna går...

Winter with snow....weeks that pass...

mångubbens glans bland träden...

the moon shines so bright...

Julstämning så här den tredje söndagen i Advent...

Christmas feelings , on this third Sunday in Advent...

en underbar dag...fattar inget...ingen stress!...

a wonderful day...don't get it...no stress!...

och snart är det Lucia!...har jag missat nåt?? Annars brukar stressnivån ligga en aning högre vid den här tiden!...

and soon it's Lucia!...did I miss something?? Usually the stresshormones are on a much higher level at this point in time!...

Det är bare och njuta så länge man kan! Ha en underbar Lucia! Vi ses!

Enjoy while it lasts! Have a wonderful Lucia! I'll see you later!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Liisa I do like the approach to Christmas it is so busy but lovely my daughters birthday is on the 13th St Lucias day so it is for us a very special day.
    Hugs Lynn xxxx
    Beautiful musicx

  2. Thanks Lynn!
    I love Christmas and I am slowly learning to take things more easily, start the preparations earlier and no rush. The most important thing is to be together with the family and relax!
    Best birthdaywishes to your daughter!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!