lördag 24 december 2011

Julaftons fröjd / Christmas Eve's delight

God Jul!...
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!....

Vintern har vänt...nu går vi mot ljuset igen...

Winter is slowly turning ...towards lighter and brighter days...

Inne i stugvärmen är det pyntat och fint...

Inside in the warmth of candles and the fireside , everything is decorated...

väntandes på Tomten...

Waiting for Santa Claus to come....

Familjen samlas..Vi äter och njuter av allt gott...

The Family gathered, We eat and enjoy of all the abundance ...

En gång om året bara...

Once a year ...

Det är bra det...annars skulle man rulla fram!...

That's good...otherwise I would be rolling as a ball!...

Jag önskar er Alla , en underbar Jul och en fortsatt God Helg! Vi ses!

I wish you ALL a wonderful Christmas and a Joyous Holiday! I'll see you!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you so much Lissa for all your beautiful posts this year, sharing your art work and your home.. it is wonderful to know you across your beautiful blog pages....
    Happy Christmas to you and your family...yes and thank goodness it is only once a year.. I would be so like a marble too ha ha
    Love Lynn xxxxx

  2. Vilka fina bilder från ditt hem! Måna julkramar /Therese

  3. Merry Christmas Liisa! As usual, lovely photos! Your home is decorated most beautifully! :-)
    ~ Deb


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!