torsdag 20 oktober 2011

Urkraft / Spirit of Nature

Naturfolk..eller ursprungsfolk...vill vi inte alla egentligen känna den där närheten till naturen och dess urkrafter?...Våra Samer är beundransvärda....

Indigenious people...Nature people...wouldn't we all want to feel that close connection to mother nature and the Spirit of Nature?...Our Indigenious people in Scandinavia , The Same People, are remarkable...

De har fått utså mycket orättvisor och hemskheter genom historien....

They have endured many terrible things an unjustices throught history...

ändå överlevt med stoltheten...

Survived , still with their pride and honor...

Lever vidare med sina traditioner och kunskaper...

Continue with their traditions and old knowledge...

De vet hur man lever av naturen, de flesta av dem i alla fall....

They know how to live of and with Mother Nature, most of them anyway...

Även om man försökte utrota deras språk, religion och traditioner och göra dem till "riktiga" Skandinaver....

Even if the governments tried to exterminate their language, religion and traditions by making them "real" Scandinavians"...

Lustigt...att de flesta ursprungsbefolkningar råkar ut för detta...

It seems like all indigenious people have been abused in the same way...

Även om "våra" Samer nog har kommit långt i jämställdhet och upprättelse om man jämför med t.ex Amerikas eller Australiens ursprungsbefolkningar...

Even if "our" Same people have come a long way towards ecuality and redress compared to for instance the indigenious people of America or Australia...

Jag tror de flesta i vårt land i alla fall känner att vi alla hör hemma här...

I think most people in our country feel that we belong together here...

visst finns det motsättningar....

of course there are conflicts....

mellan det moderna industrisamhället och renskötsel...

between the modern Industrial community and the keepeers of reindeer herds...

men för allas bästa inklusive naturen, så löser sig nog det mesta tror jag...

but for the good sake of all and Mother Nature, most things are solved I think...

Samerna är en tillgång ...

The Same people are an asset ...

med sin rika kultur...

with their rich culture...

fantastiska hantverk...

Fantastic crafts...

vacker antik dräkt...

beautiful antique costume...

Utsökt nya konstverk, som denna glaspjäs av Tomas Colbengtson från Tärnaby med en utställning på Attje Museum 3:e sept till 30:e october (lånat från Samiblogg)

Excuisite new artwork  like this by Tomas Colbengtson from Tärnaby in Sweden, with an exhibit at Áttje Museum from 3. september to 30. October. Photo: Simon Klenell.

Historien / History: Screentryck or Screen print. Art by Tomas Colbengtson

Tillbaka till naturen...eller i allafall tillbaks till respekten och kärleken till naturen...

Back to Nature...or back to the respect and love of Nature anyway...

Dit vill vi alla.. djupt därinne....måste vi alla...

All of us want that...deep within ...we must....

Vi är inte på "besök" i ÄR Naturen!....

We are not "visiting" the Nature....we ARE the Nature!

Lev väl, i samklang med naturen! vi ses!

Live well, with Nature! I'll see ya later!

interesting links about Same people, most photos from here:

2 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you for this beautiful post. Yes my American Indian ancestors were treated badly as so many others.

  2. Every word you speak is so true....I feel we have all lost enough ! our traditions have been diluted, our peoples spread out to thinly... even our towns city's and villages destroyed in the name of progress. Languages lost, and this reflects on our feeling of home and identity..I remember collecting traditional dressed little dolls when I was a girl I would bet not many children today would even recognise a handful of sad
    I agree too that this loss is personal we are part of the land we were born upon, we walk the same paths as our ancestors we grow on the same lands and we are buried in the same soil, I too wish we could protect our peoples better.
    Big hugs Liisa
    Lynn xx


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