onsdag 2 mars 2011

På den andra sidan / On the other side

"On the other side" Acrylic painting on canvas 70x100cm by Liisa

På den andra sidan...är titeln på min senaste målning...

On the other side...is the title of my latest painting...

På andra sidan om...Vintern, så lååång och kall...Förkylningar och magsjuka...tunga beslut...

On the other side of...The looong and cold Winter...Colds and stomach flues...heavy desicions...

På andra sidan ...väntar Våren... Ljuset och Värmen...Glädjen ...

On the other side...awaits Spring... Light and Warmth...Joy...

Är vi där än?...

Are we there yet?...

4 kommentarer:

  1. Your muse surely was good to you... So beautiful painting, I love it!

  2. Liisa! When oh when did you start painting???? I haven't visited in forever, this is Lady Em from The Lavender Beekeeper by the way! You artwork is AMAZING! I have fallen in love with several of you paintings! Do you have an etsy store? So good to visit again, I have missed blogging so much. I hope you and your are well! Blessing and love to you!

  3. Himmel vilken vacker tavla!!! Kramar /Therese

  4. Lovely blog you have here : )


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