söndag 28 november 2010

Adventsmys / Cozy Advent

Mys o pys i Advent... eller rättare sagt vägen dit via skurhink, fönsterputs, strykjärn, dammsugare, hitta alla jämrans adventskartonger i ett mörkt kallt förråd...

Cozyness in Advent...or more accurate the hard way to get there through: vacuum cleaner, scrubbing the floors, window cleaning, ironing...finding the dam-ed boxes with the Advent lights and stars in a dark and cold shed...

Liisas diningroom!

hitta rätt sorts lampor till alla ljusstakar och stjärnor som inte lyser fast de gjorde det sist man stuvade undan dem...

finding the right lamp bulbs to the adventlights and stars...that won't work but worked last you put them away...

Hem och Antik

man vill ju så gärna att hemmet skall bli så där inredningstidningsvackert!...

all one wants is the home to look as lovely as they do in all lovely interior decorating magazines!..

Hem och Antik

som detta vackra lilla kryp in kök från Hem och Antik...

as this charming little kitchen from the magazine "Home and Antiques"...

Butik Sophie

och jag HAR ett vackert hem det vet jag!...men kanske inte den där orken att styla till det inredningstidningsaktigt...

and I do HAVE a beautiful home I know that, but I don't perhaps have the strenght and energy to style it in a way that looks like an interior decorating magazine...


dagens kvinnas våta dröm verkar nuförtiden vara att få sitt vita hem visat i en inredningstidning, leende på en bild naturligtvis iklädd de senaste trendmärkena som Odd Molly eller här Melmelli...och naturligtvis bjuda på något gott hembakat eller hemlagad inlagd tomatchutney eller nå't annat avancerat...

The wet dream of a woman today seems to be to get their white home featured in a decorating magazine , on a picture smiling and wearing the trend brands of today as Odd Molly or as shown here Melmelli...of course offer homebaked bread or pickled tomatochutney or something else complicated..


snyggt naturligtvis...och jag som alla andra suckar och dreglar över allt vackert och gott...

awsome of course...and I'm as everyone else sighing and drewling over all the beautiful things and tasty offerings too...

Wohnen und Garten

tills jag påminner mig själv om att jag faktiskt är en kreativ kvinna med ett eget vackert hem där jag trivs bland alla mina egna konstverk och vackra saker...

until I remind myself that I actually am a creative woman with a home of my own that I enjoy amongst my own art and beautiful things...

Butik Sophie

och att MITT högsta mål i livet INTE är att få komma med i ett inredningsreportage iförd Odd Molly bakandes eget knäckebröd ...näe...jag har andra mål!

and that MY highest goal in life is NOT to be featured in an interior decorating magazine smiling and wearing a Odd Molly dress baking homemade crisp bread...nope...I have other goals in life!

Gods och Gårdar

men...AKTA dig om du rör mina inredningstidningar!...Apapapp!!  Icke! ....
så visst är det skönt att det finns andra kvinnor vars högsta mål är att vara med i ett inredningsreportage!

but...DON'T touch my interior decorating magazines!!...No touch!!..nope!...
so isn't it a good thing that there are other women who's highest goal in life is to be featured in an interior decorating magazine!


Förresten var jag och barnen på julmarknaden i sta och tittade in på Borlänge bibliotek där Julsalongen pågår. Min tavla "Karen" är med där!

Btw I went in to town with the children to look at the christmas market and all the cristmasdecorated shops. We visited the town library where the Christmas exhibition is ongoing. My painting "Karen" is one of them!

"Karen" en acrylmålning av undertecknad...

"Karen" an acrylic painting by me...


jul i stan...

Christmas in town...

Julmarknad på torget..

Christmas market in the town square...


Christmas windows...

och så för alla mina utländska läsare!...älgkorv...

and something for my foreign readers!...Moose sausage...

Till sist ...var hamnar man om inte i...

And at last...were do we end up if not in an...

en inredningsbutik! Rosor och Lavendel i Borlänge...

interior decorating shop! Roses and Lavendel in Borlänge...

Ha en alldeleas underbar vecka nu! Mys och pys så ses vi!

Have yourself a wonderful week! Keep warm and cozy and I'll see you later!

8 kommentarer:

  1. I found you through sea angels
    hoping to find another beautiful blog , and I did ....
    very beautiful paintings and blog !
    Thank you

  2. your beautiful home always looks cozy and inviting!
    there are so many places to spend lots of money shopping where you live...could be dangerous!
    congratulations on your lovely Karen Blixen painting at the show!
    love that old molly dress...very sweet!

  3. Dreamy beautiful inspirational just you xxxxx
    thank you for the lovely Christmas walkxxx
    Big Hugs Lynn xxxxx
    and how lovely to see your painting hung xx

  4. Beautiful inspirations, i too love interior design magazines and drool over the ideas. But i love how you sum it up, we are creative folk and like you i too love my home & all the things in it. I am so intrigued by moose sausages!!! Your painting is so beautiful x have a wonderful weekend, ruthie x x

  5. Thanks Ruthie!
    Mmmm moose and bear sausages!

    Lovely weekend to you too!

  6. Oh sorry I mistook you for someone else's etsy. But I really love this post! And your framed art. I like to paint faces too! Where do you live?
    I have family in Denmark I visit sometimes. I also have an artist friend in Norway. Plus artists friends in town from Norway. Have we talked before? Sometimes Facebook and blogs and new friends can be confused.
    Blessings for your Christmas and God Yule. Deirdra

  7. It's OK Deidra! I mix people up all the time. Bloggers seldom give their full name so when you meet on FB you don't recognise them all!
    Have a lovely weekend!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!