måndag 11 oktober 2010

Allt för konsten! / Everything for the Art!

Two Redheads

undrar jag hur det blir i år??...Nettan funderar djupt ...

I wonder what it´s going to be like this year??...Nettan in deep thoughts...

Vill folk komma, se och njuta av konst och konsthantverk??...

Do people want to come, enjoy and look at art and artistic crafts??...

Visst ville folk det! ...så till den milda grad att Polisen komm förbi och påpekade att så många bilar får det inte stå vid vägkanten inte!!...Undrar vem som ringde och klagade??...

Of course they wanted that!...So much that even the Police came by and told us that it´s not really allowed for so many cars to be parked at the side of the road!! ...Wonder who phoned and complained??

Claus "Coffea Nostalgica"

Mycket folk och bra väder...till och med väldigt vackert väder på Söndagen...

Lots of people and good weather...even very good weather on Sunday...

Mycket att se..

Lots to look at...

Sköna fika stunder...

Enjoyable moments...

Fint folk!...

Lovely people...

vacker trädgård...

beautiful garden...

Sven-Olovs "Herman"



Liisas"Red Model"


Moments of wonder...

Min utställningsstuga...Det fanns inte tid att ta bilder när huset var fullt!...

My little corner...There was no time to take photos when there was a full house!...

Vissa var avslappnade!...

Some were relaxing!...

Ljuvliga lyktor av Måns...

Lovely candle holders by Måns...


Visioner ...eller Vishnu...

Visions...or Vishnu...

Proffsig Keramik av Sofia...

Very proffesionally made ceramics by Sofia...

Söt väska av Leila...

Sweet bag by Leila...

Den blev vår!...Annelis verk!

This became ours!..Art by Anneli!

Söta smycken av Karin...

Sweet jewelry by Karin...

Köks personal...Kicki!

Kitchen staff...Kicki!

Vacker sjal av Leila...

Beautiful shawl by Leila...


The Soup kitchen!...

Och den var deliciös!...

And the soup was delicious!...

Sven-Olovs Sculpture

Många stannade läääänge!...

Many stayed very looong!...

Det är ett bra betyg!...

That´s a good mark!...

Vi tar det som ett tecken på att man vill komma tillbaka!...eller?...

We take that as a sign of people wanting to return!...or?...

Tack alla hundratals besökare! Vi ses igen hoppas jag!

Thanks to all hundred of visitors! We´ll meet again I hope!

4 kommentarer:

  1. i wannna go! what a fabulous fun day! hope you sold lots! xo

  2. The photos were amazing, and made me feel swept away to a very wonderful homey place I would have wanted to stay longer too. Love the " Religious Couch" awesome...

    Have a wonderful week.

  3. Oh my! Everything looks so beautiful! The woven Pansy bag is a favorite and the bottle candle holders, the colorful sheer fabric at the soup kitchen. What a lovely show! I wish I could have been there in person. :-)
    Thank you for sharing.
    ~ Deb

  4. Hi Lissa,
    Thank-you for sharing the photos of your beautiful event. Yor paintings are gorgeous and continue to inspire me! I didn't realize they were so large. It's good to see them set up like that.
    ps. I'm working on doing a blog and when I get it going I will share it with you.! ...Cathy


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!