lördag 13 mars 2010

Vårönskan / Springwishes

Vår i morse...solens varma strålar värmde vinterträdgården....

Spring payed a visit this morning...The shining sun warmed the wintergarden...

Så ljuvligt att sitta där i solen med en kopp kaffe...njuta...

So very wonderful to sit in the sun with a cup of coffee...sipping sunbeams...

Lyssnande på vårfåglarna....genom det tunna glaset...

Listening to the springbirds...through the thin glass...

Ana vårens alla knoppar under det meterhöga täcket av snö...

Dreaming about the buds under the thick layer of snow...

Fantisera om trädgårdens alla blommor...

Fantasize about all the flowers in the garden...

Känna doften av mylla och gräs...

Feel the scents of soil and grass...

Minnas hur ljuvligt vårtrastarna sjunger om kvällarna...

Remember how amazing the song from the Trush birds sounds in the spring evenings...

Så underbart det är att plocka de allra första vitsipporna...Anemone Nemorosa...

So lovely when one can pick the first flowers of spring...Anemone Nemorosa...

Aaaah...Jag är definitivt en vår /sommar människa!....

Aaaah.... I´m definitely a spring / summer person!...

Medan vi väntar på den underbara våren kan vi förlora oss i de vackraste av blomsterarrangemang skapade av den förstklassiga floristen Ariella Chezar . Se på de underbartt frodiga bilderna och njut!

While we are waiting for spring to arrive, we can dream away watching the most wonderful flower arrangements made by the excellent Ariella Chezar. Enjoy the lush arrangements and beautiful photographs!

Här hemma ger jag mina vårönskningar till denna vackra lilla älva ritad och målad av min 10-åriga dotter. Visst är hon söt!

Here at home I´m giving my springwishes to this sweet little fairy, painted by my 10-year old daughter. Isn´t she beautiful!

Ha en underbart vårlig helg! Vi ses!

Have a lovely Springy Weekend! I´ll see You later!

8 kommentarer:

  1. Gorgeous photos! The flowers are so beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

    Your ten year old daughter's fairy is lovely! Good for her!

  2. Hi Liisa
    Those flower arrangements are so beautiful, but even more beautiful is the picture your daughter did. It's spring here now and since I grew up in Canada, every year I am amazed when spring arrives this early.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  3. Underbar älva! Ja, visst är det härligt med vårsolens strålar! Äntligen lever man upp igen efter denna otroligt låååånga vinter. I alla fall har den varit lång för oss i skåne =)
    Ha det gott!

  4. Din tös är en fullfjädrad konstnär! Underbar teckning. Ja igår var det vår och idag vinter. Typiskt aprilväder skulle jag säga. Svensk vår är så nyckfull! Nu ska jag gå ut i garaget och måla på ett skrivbord till min 10-åring. Kram /linnea-maria

  5. Sweet Liisa, thanks for leaving me such lovely comments - I'm so glad to have you as a blog friend.

    Wow, gorgeous flower pics. Today I bought pink tulips and white, pink and pale yellow ranunculas (like the yellow ones on the left of your pic with the pretty urn). I have them in an old silver pot and they are so pretty here on my table.

    Happy, happy Spring to you all. Your daughter's art is lovely - but then with such artist parents I'm not surprised!

    Hugs - Mary

    P.S. More later on my Africa safari coming up. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful best friend who is treating me to this trip of a lifetime!

  6. dear Liisa, thank you for your comments, i too believe everything happens for a reason, just sometimes those reasons are not so very clear at first. Sending warm (belated) easter wishes and hoping that things are alright with you & yours. Heres looking forward. Thank you for a sip of sunbeams & beautiful heart lifting photos too x i see your daughter has ner mothers wonderful creative talent too!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!