onsdag 6 januari 2010

Trettondagen / Twelfth Night

Ännu en helg...Trettondagen börjar kallt...-29 grader!. Det har lovats mer än -40 grader i Norra Dalarna! Då är det KALLT !! ...

Another holiday begins...The twelft Night of christmas...and it´s beginning is cold...-29 degrees Celsius: Up in the northern part of my county they have "promised" about - 40 degrees tonight! That´s COLD!!...

Så det blir till att mysa inomhus, elda i alla spisar och gotta ner sig i schäslongen med en varm filt...

So indoors it will be, keeping the fires burning in all the stoves, get a varm blanket and jump into the big sofa...

Och mysa till Jane austens "Förnuft och känsla"! Jag och äldsta dottern sitter och suckar och myser med all romantik...medan kära maken inte fattar någonting utan sakta skakar på huvudet!

And cuddle up with my eldest daughter, sighing and watching Jane Austens "Sense and sensibility" with all the  romantic intrigue...while the DH slowly shakes his head , not understanding a thing!

Ha en skön Trettondagshelg, vi ses!

Have a lovely Holiday, I´ll see you!

7 kommentarer:

  1. oh,yes, just stay indoors and watch jane austin. i am with you all the way. i love austin and the autin and the brontess. there is none better. just finished watch becoming jane. ahhhhhh! Bestest,Denise

  2. That version of Sense and Sensibility is my favorite! So beautifully filmed! Hope you have a splendid Twelfth Night!

  3. it is cold here in Tennessee too! it will snow tomorrow...i hope so!
    a great time to watch a great movie! i love your gorgeous New Years post...especially the "light returning" photo and of course your lovely angel painting!
    happy new year to you! stay warm!

  4. Hi Liisa
    Happy New Year. Try to keep warm :)
    Hugs, Rhondi

  5. Now that is cold!! and we thought we are cold.
    Hope you enjoyed your film xx
    Hugs Lynn xx

  6. Greetings from California...I just came by from Rose Colored Glasses and this is my first visit. Your blog is gorgeous!

    Stay warm and cozy there in the North! Here in the USA much of the country is experiencing an unusual cold snap...but where I am it is 70F today. The truth is, I'd love some cold weather and a bit of rain...no way it will ever snow here on the coast...but we do get snow in the mountains (but not yet!) a two-hour drive away.

    I shall come and visit again; I've added you to my blogroll.

  7. Sounds like a fun way to keep warm! It is always a good idea to keep Jane Austen handy! xo


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!