fredag 20 november 2009

Gypsy by Heart

Den här målningen "Gypsy by Heart" gjorde jag häromdagen. Jag kände mig så inspirerad av zigenarvagnar och de vackra färger som man förknippar med zigenare eller "den bohemiska stilen" ...

I did this painting "Gypsy by Heart" the other day. I felt so inspired by Gypsy Wagons and the strong beautiful colours that one relates to gypsies or "the bohemian style"....

Det är en mixed media målning med akryl, färgpennor, stämplar, kollage...

It´s a mixed media painting  with acrylic paints, colour pencils, stamping and collage...

Jag skulle vilja ha en sån "Gypsy Wagon" på gården hemma! Den kunde fungera som gäststuga,  eller en allmänt mysig plats bara!...

I would like to have one of those Gypsy Wagons in my garden! It could serve as a guest cabin or just be a very cozy plaze!...

Man skulle kunna ha mysiga middagar på tu man hand ...

One could have cozy intimate dinners just for two...


Sen kunde man smita in i vagnen för en "avec"!...

Then one could sneek away into the wagon for an "avec"!...

Man skulle kunna måla den så här vackert!...

One could paint it as beautiful as this one!...

Eller den här!..

Or this one!...

Sen skulle man faktiskt kunna åka iväg med den på en "minisemester"!...

And one could actually drive away with it on a  "minivacation"!...

Ja , zigenarlivet och den bohemiska stilen är ofta verkligheten var nog en annan för de zigenare och romer som levde på den tiden...och tyvärr i många länder även i dag...

Yes, the Gypsy kind of life and the bohemian style is often described in a romantic way...but the reality was another for those gypsies who lived in those days...and sadly this is a reality even today in many contries ...

Så att vara en zigenare är nog en romantisk dröm tror jag, men jag kan inte sluta att beundra de vackra färgerna, det fina hantverket och inte att förglömma...Musiken!...

So being a gypsy is a romantic dream I suppose, but I can´t stop admiring the colours and craftmanship and not to forget ..the music!...

För mera inspiration om zigenar vagnar , kläder och inredning besök: 
For more inspiration on Gypsy wagons, clothes and decorattions please visit:

 Ha en trevlig och bohemisk vecka! Vi ses!

Have a lovely bohemian week! I´ll see ya!

11 kommentarer:

  1. Ja, visst är zigenarlivet en ständig kamp. Min mormor var halvzigenare, en stark vacker människa med en stolthet utöver det vanliga.
    Fina vagnar!
    Jag har en liten utlottning på min sida om du är intresserad, ta en titt!
    Ha en fortsatt trevlig helg.

  2. I enjoyed this post so much! First of all, your painting is so beautiful! I admire your talent. The gypsy wagons are so pretty. Thank you for the link! Have a nice day! Twyla

  3. Your painting is gorgeous!! I too love the luxurious layers and colors of that style. This was a fun post and I enjoyed all of the photos.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. what a lovely post...i think we often romanticize things that in reality are not.. but thats because most folks like fairy tale stories. your painting is gorgeous.. i love the color palette and her face is perfection.. i can tell you are also an engineer!

  5. Hi Liisa
    Me too!!!! except my caravan would have to be huge, with elephants dragging it along ha ha because of all my minimalism for me.
    Your picture is fabulous you are such a lovely artist, and I know exactly what you mean about having no time.... oh just a few more hours for crafting only of course...
    Hugs Lynn xxxx

  6. How wonderful, i am so drawn to the "idea" of the gypsy, for the very reasons that you describe here. There is something about their proud, independant, bohemian life style that calls to me. But as you say, even nowdays they have such horrendous & difficult times. Love all the images & your painting is superb, so delicate & rich. love it !

  7. Vilken underbar tavla!!! Vad härligt att se dina alster! Nog har du väl kommit igång med din konst ordentligt nu? Ja zigenare har det inte bra än i dessa dagar.
    Ha en fin helg, kram/linnea-maria

  8. Hello Eva Liisa,
    Your Gypsy painting is beautiful! Also, all of the wagons you share...divine! I want to build one!

    Hope you are well!


  9. You have so much talent~ Your painting is amazing. I just started taking Suzi's classes so I am learning little by little. I just need to remember to put on my glasses when I paint! haha. Those wagons are so inspiring - what a great idea...oh and your home is amazing as well! Thanks for stopping by my blog - have a great Saturday!


  10. Åh vilka inspirerande bilder och vilka otroligt fina tavlor! Önskar jag va lika duktig som dig! :) Ha en bra dag!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!