fredag 7 augusti 2009

Dyr men vacker höst!/ Expensive-looking autumn!

Då var det dags igen...att dreggla i stans vackraste butik, "Sara 1896" tom plånbok!!...igen!!...

Well it´s that time of the year drewl in the prettiest shop in the town, "Sara 1896"...with an empty wallet!!...again!!...

Först smeker blicken på utsidan med alla vackra skyltfönster...

First my eyes caress the beautiful shop-windows...

Aahhh..mycket lovande!...

Aaaah...very promising!...

Precis mina färger!...(nån???...ahummm...blink,blink!!)...

Just my colours!...(anyone???...ahmmm...hint, hint!!)...

Så då kastar man sig in i allt det vackra ...och hakan ramlar ner till knäna....ooooh så fiiiint!!...ooooh så dyyyyrt!!...

And I throw myself indoors in to all the beauty...the chin falls to my knees...ooooh how beauuuuutiful!!...and...ooooh how expeeeeensive!!...

Alla underbara plagg och färger!...

All the beautiful clothes and colours!...


No translation needed!....

Alltid lika vacker display i butiken...

Always so beautiful displays in the shop...

Så vackert!....


Åh , en mohair halsduk...bara 1000 kr!!....(tips! beställ en halsduk eller sjal i mohair, färdig eller "custom", hos min mor: för en bråkdel av priset!!)...

Oh, a scarf of mohairyarn...only 1000 swedish krona (aprox 135 dollars!!) ...(tip! order a similar or custom-made scarf or shawl at my mothers: for a fraction of that price!!)

Lite rosa...

Some pink...

Vacker interiör i affären...

Beautiful interior in the shop...

De var fina de här klänningarna!!...

They are pretty, these dresses!...

Och här är favvostövlarna....

And here are my favorite rubberboots...

I rosa också!...

And in pink also!...

Boleros verkar vara inne!....

Boleros seems to be popular!...

Ja man blir alldeles salig av allt fint!...kolla in den fina rosen i midjan....

Yes one can go crazy in this shop for sure!...check the beautiful rose at the waist...

En sån kan man ju göra lätt själv...

You could make those easily yourself...

Suck!....dregglat har man på kan dreggla på utsidan också...Vackert hus!...

Sigh! I have been drewling indoors...but one can drewl outdoors aswell...Beautiful house!...

En sista titt in på bakgården...sen far man hemmåt med en simmig blick!...

One last look at the backyard...then I drive home again with foggy eyes!...

Alla foton är tagna med mobilen...därav kvaliten....eller skall man säga avsaknaden av kvalitet!
All the photos are taken with my mobile...therefore the quality...or should I say lack of quality!

Ha en bra dag! Vi ses!

Have a lovely day! I´ll be back!

8 kommentarer:

  1. i would have no money if I lived near you..there are far too many beautiful things to buy!!!

  2. Jösses vilka snygga kläder!!! /linnea-maria

  3. Ooooh Liisa
    FABULOUS I would love to dress like this!!! I know how expensive these things are we have some similar shops...but they are sooo inspiring and fill me full of ideas....goodness I spend half my life looking at your blog hope for me at all!!!
    Thanks for these fab pictures hope the sun is still with you.
    Hugs Lynn xxx

  4. Oh dear......I can see I will be spending more time than ever now looking at your posts..these are I cannot afford such beautiful clothes but wow they are inspiring me to try some new ways of wearing my clothes, I especially like the light layering, think I will have to try this..
    Thanks so much for another inspiring post Liisa.
    Hugs Lynn xxx

  5. Why oooh why oooh WHY ... did you have to post about the most beautiful style of clothing !!! ;-)

    Just love it all ... too much I'm afraid. Don't you just wish that just sometimes you would find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

    Thanks! Miranda

  6. I wish I could boy some of those beautiful clothes!

    I found your blog on the One World One Heart giveaway this spring. I am a mystery writer and jewelry artist. My first mystery Keeping House: A Madame President Mystery has just been released on, and my publishers and I decided to offer a special promotion to OWOH bloggers. Go the my blog and click on the link for bluewater press. Type in promotion code DAT10 and you can get 10% off book. I hope you will read Keeping House.

    Keeping blogging!

    Kind regards,
    Denise Tucker

  7. Dear Liisa,
    Thank you!!
    It is inspiring to come along on this window shopping expedition with you! Isn't it great to see all the wonderful things? And now to think of how you can re~create what you have?

    To make, or remake one's own clothes, is a wonderful thing. To express ones self through garments feels like you are wearing unique piece of clothing, one with your own personal touch!


  8. Love the pink rubber boots! I would love a pair!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!