torsdag 30 juli 2009

Vackert Konstnärshem / The beautiful home of an artist

Plötsligt hade min man en överaskning åt mig! Vi packade in ungarna i bilen styrde kosan mot Gagnef utanför Borlänge till konstnärinnan Sassa Nordström och hennes man Lennart...

All of a sudden my husband surprised me! We packed the car with all the kids and drove to a village just outside Borlänge and payed a visit to the wonderful artist Sassa Nordströmand her husband Lennart...

Möt Sassa! Hon målar underbara tavlor och utbildar sig vidare inom konstterapi...

Meet Sassa! She creates the most wonderful paintings and is improving her skills within art therapy...

Här står min överaskning! Min man såg den här tavlan (och jag med!) på utställningen i Mattlaberg och köpte den i hemlighet som en bröllopspresent till mig! Då blev jag verkligen glad och rörd eftersom den var min favorit...en balettdasös med eld i blicken...

Here is my surprise! My husband saw this painting ( and so did I !) at the exhibition in Mattlaberg and secretly bought it for me as a weddingday gift! I was moved and so glad because it was my favourite...a ballet dancer with fire in her eyes...

Vi fikade och fick sedan en rundtur i det vackra hemmet. Sassa har tidigare haft en inredningsaffär och jobbat flera år utomlands...

We had some coffee and cinnamonbuns and were then guided around in this beautiful home. Sassa used to run an interior decoration shop and has worked abroad for several years ...

Det vackra badrummet...visst syns det att inredningen ligger Sassa varmt om hjärtat...

The beautiful bathroom...You can tell that interior decorating is a major interest for Sassa...

Fransk inspiration i badrummet...

French inspiration in the bathroom...

Det söta köket med matplatsen...

The pretty kitchen with the breakfast table...

Antikviteter är nog också ett stort bara på det här alldeles underbara skåpet!...

Antiques is also one of her hobbies for sure...just look at this absolutely stunning cupboard!...

En vacker detalj...i den lilla glaskuben syns Sassa och Lennarts dotter!...

A beautiful the little glasscube You can see Sassas and Lennarts daughter! ...

Vardagsrummet är litet men rymmer det mesta ändå...

The livingroom is small but big enough for the essential things...

En av Sassas roliga figurer...

One of Sassas funny figures...

Matplatsen med Sassas fantastiska tavla på väggen...

The dining area with one of Sassas wonderful paintings...

Här ser man hur väl allting smälter samman färgmässigt!...

A view that really shows how well coordinated everything is in this house!...

Wow, det var verkligen trevligt att få komma hem till Sassa och Lennart...dels för att hämta min vackra tavla men också få se det här lilla vackra huset! Tack Sassa...och tack gubben!

Wow, it was a pure pleasure to be able to visit Sassa and Lennart...partly to fetch my beautiful painting but also to see this beautiful little house! Thanks Sassa...and thanks hubby!

Ha en trevlig helg! Vi ses!

Have a lovely weekend! I´ll see You!

7 kommentarer:

  1. Such a beautiful home and lovely artist! I really enjoyed reading about your exhibition and seeing the wonderful sights you shared. Thank you so much sweetie! Love, Jamie

  2. Gorgeous....Oh my...her home looks like it came right out of a home magazine..and such lovely photos! A place to visit for sure....Your travelogues are like mini vacations for those of us at home on our computers!!!

  3. hello from tennessee! i have admired your blog for some time beautiful...but this post was a tease! i love this artist home so much, but would love to see her artwork up close! especially the painting your sweet hubby bought for you. does she have a website?

  4. Thanks for sharing this lovely post with us! Ooooh my ... I love her art work. Specially that funny figurine.
    And what about that corner cabinet ... I had to fetch a napkin just to remove the drool of my chin.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. OH the home of an artist...a place of wonder and beauty and magical inspiration, I know I will visit this post lots over the next few days just to make sure I havn't missed one tiny bit of it.
    You must be truly thrilled with this painting, what a wonderful gift...
    Hugs Lynn xxxx

  6. What a beautfiful home. You have a very wonderful husband to buy that painting for you!

  7. Her home is absolutely gorgeous! I love the serene colors and the laid back look of it. It draws you in to it. Wonderful photos as always. You have such a way of composing photos. You should sell your skills to magazines. I can see your images within the loveley pages of a magazine.


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!