lördag 21 mars 2009

Money money money ...would be funny!

A haaaaa haaa...All the things I could do..if I had a little money...it´s a rich mans world...

Vårdagjämningen har äntligen kommit och med den lusten att förnya både här o där! Men i dessa tider får det i bland räcka med fönstershopping. Jag kan bli lika glad för det!

Spring...vernal equinox has finally arrived and with it the lust to renew both this and that! But in times like these it´s more likely to stop at windowshopping. But it makes me happy anyway!

Som i denna underbara lilla butik i Borlänge centrum...SARA 1896. Jag blir så inspirerad av deras vackra skyltning. Allt är så smakfullt framlagt och kombinerat...verkligen vackert...
Synd bara att vare sig min slanka plånbok eller min fylliga kropshydda kommer i de ljuvligt skira och romantiska storlekarna!...

Like in this beautiful little shop in my hometown Borlänge...SARA 1896. I get so inspired just by their lovely displays. Everything is so delicate and wonderfully arranged...really lovely...
Pitty though that neither my slim wallet or my "rounded" body fits in the tiny, lovely shere and romantic sizes!...

Men strunt samma....Det är så läckert!...

But who cares...It´s just gorgeous!...

Åååhhhh...ljuvliga vårpasteller....liiiite korta kjolar dock!...

Ooooh...delicate spring pastells....just a little toooo tiny skirts though!...

Så milda vackra färger...Jag vill ha alltihopa !!!!!!

So mild and beautiful colours....I want them all !!!!!

Mmmmmm...suck! Det är nåt visst med både svenska och danska designers!...

Mmm...sigh! The both Swedish and Danish designers really have that something!...
Jag gillar verklien denna lilla butik ...både byggnaden i sig och den vackra inredningen..

I really like this little shop...both the old building and the beautiful interior....

och ....NEJ jag får inte provision genom att skriva om denna lilla butik!....

and...NO I don´t get any provision by writing about this little shop!....

men...det skulle ju inte ha suttit fel...med tanke på priserna!....

but...that wouldn´t have been wrong ...regarding the price level!....

Jaaaa....vackert är det....

Yup! ...it´s beautiful.....

De där svarta höga gummistövlarna jag vilja ha!...Dansk design...

Those black rubberboots...I want!...Danish design...

Mera ljuvliga korta klänningar...

More of those lovely short dresses!...

Fint....om man är 20 och smal som en pinne!...

Lovely...if Your 20 and thin as a stick!...

Jag tror jag får hoppa över de där korta kjolarna...inget för en tant på 45!...

I think I will have to skip those tiny skirts...nothing for a lady who´s reached 45!..

Ha en trevlig helg! Må solen skina på dig! Vi ses!
Have a nice weekend! May the sun shine upon You! I´ll see You!

7 kommentarer:

  1. Hilarious !!!
    20 was a long time ago and thin as a stick ... nah never was ;-)
    Nevertheless, clothes are beautiful and i want them all ... whoops

  2. Den affären verkar ju inte helt fel...jättemysig verkar det som. Tur att det finns sådana små pärlor. Ha en skön helg. Kram!

  3. I love the look of that shop. I especially loved those red boots and the rustic floors and furnishings.

  4. There's no shops here as beautiful as that one! I see why you want everything, I would too! I hope you can get the black boots! Twyla

  5. What a great post ~ everything looks so beautiful! I remember fondly the days (also about 20 years ago!) when I could easily wear a short skirt and tiny dresses, but sadly those days are gone! Oh well, but the rubber boots would be good!

  6. i love beautiful displays as well! I am always a sucker for lovely product packaging! you have such great shops in your neck of the world!

  7. What a great post, fabulous shop, you are right the colors and styles are so gorgeous!


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!