fredag 13 februari 2009


Till er alla en glad Alla Hjärtans Dag! Var rädd om dem du älskar!

To all of You A happy Valentines Day! Take care of the ones You Love!

Dessa hjärtan gjorde jag en gång, du kanske har sett dem förut. Grattis får stå för mina barns fördelsedagar. Mina två döttrar har fyllt 9 och 7 år!

I did these hearts once. Happy birthday will be to my two daughters who recently have become 9 and 7 years old!

Vi ses! /See Ya!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Liisa,
    They are so beautiful!!You are lucky you have sons are also 7 and 9 years old.. and they wouldn't appreciate it if I made them such pretty valentines!!
    Happy Valentines Day and many thanks for the wonderful OWOH gift!

  2. So Beautiful! Happy Valentine's Day! Kathy

  3. Kära Liisa Stora Goa Alla Hjärtans Dagskramar från mig.

  4. I'm a little late but hope you had a beautiful Valentine's Day Liisa' these hearts are just gorgeous.

    Belated Happy Birthday day your girls - they are growing fast!

    Warm hugs - Mary.


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!