lördag 21 februari 2009

Mys o pys / Warm and Cozy!

Jag avgudar denna svarta gjutjärnshög med sina vackra ornament! När man bor på landet...och då menar jag LANDET...måste man ha en vedeldad spis som backup när strömmen går eller som i mitt fall sedan ...hrmmm...en längre tid...ugnen har pajat! Vad gör man en lördagkväll när man vill ha lite gott att äta, jo man får springa igång gjutjärnsorgeln och lyssna till dess ljuva musik...knaster, knaster. Maten smakar faktiskt bättre i den (...OK jag inbillar mig det mitt i allt elände)...

I worship this black cast iron stove with it´s beautiful ornaments! When you live on the countryside...and I mean THE countryside..You have to have a backupsystem if the the electricity fails or as the case is now...for a longer period...my oven is broken! what do You do on a saturday evening when You want to eat something delicious? Well I have to get my big black cast iron organ singing...and listen to the beutiful crackling music it makes. The food tastes much better when cooked on this stove (...OK I´m just imagining this so I can bear the fact that I don´t have a working oven for the moment!)...

Den är i alla fall vacker....

Anyway, it´s beautiful...

Vackra ornament....

Beautiful ornaments....

Och mysiga värmen den ger ifrån sig är ljuvlig!....

And the cozy warmth it spreads is just heavenly!...

Kolla här! Rasmus är en riktig njutare...ligga i solen och tvätta sig det är skönt det!...

Check this out! Rasmus really enjouys life...to lay in the sun and wash oneself a little...that´s life!...

Det är få fönt...man blir få avflappnad...

It´s fo pleafant...one getf fo relaxfed...

Fnart fomnar jag fäkert!....

Foon I will fall afleep!...



...OK denna poft är fkriven under påverkan av ugnfgratinerad lax med broccoli och gott vitt vin!

...OK thif poft if written under the influenfe of ovenbaked falmon and broccoli and fome good white wine!

Ha en myfig helg! Vi fef fnart!

Have a nife weekend! I´ll fee You foon!

13 kommentarer:

  1. Liisa,

    You paint a great picture for a vacation! What a lovely post...that's a wonderful old oven you have and the fact that it works is awesome. I'm getting myself a glass of wine at the very least now! :)

  2. I can perfectly understand that you worship that oven, its looks! Ah and of course everything tastes better out of a wood stove, that is no imagination! Especially with a glass of wine ;-)
    Enjoy your weekend, I posted your little parcel today (I'm always late sorry!)

  3. Hej Liisa! Vilken härlig spis du har! Älskar sådana. Hade en vedspis i förra huset och den var superb på vintrarna speciellt.
    Ihanan suloinen Rasmus sulla myös,joka varmaan lämmittää tarpeen tulen myös.
    Toivottavsti sinulla on ollut ihana viikonloppu!

  4. I could not be without our Aga, but it is not as pretty as your beautiful stove Liisa...I bet your lovely cat loves that stove too, he looks just cuddly..you will all be missing it's nice warm cosy heat.
    Hugs Lynn xx

  5. Your kittie is so cute. Does he lay near the stove when it is warm? My two cats love the woodstove and are beneath it right now on the warm slate as I send this.
    I did enjoy your pics from the textile show.Everything looked so inspiring.

  6. What a beautiful Stove, it reminds me of a time when I was about 12 years old and we had to live for 6 months without gas or electricity, luckily the house had an old Range, which is a bit like your stove but with an open fire and baking ovens to the side. so for 6 months we lived around that.

    I have lovely memories of having candlelight baths in a tin tub with water heated up in pans on the range, feeling the warmth of the open fire as we bathed.

    And yes I think the food tasted better cooked the old fashioned way too, it just had more flavour somehow.

  7. I could sit there and talk with my tongue sticking out all night...Saturday through Friday! I've seen that brand before Husquvarna? Good company :) Thee ya thoon!

  8. Oooh, it so cozy there. I love a wood fire. I have yet to have one this year in our fireplace. How clever of you to cook on your black beauty! Keep warm!

  9. Liisa,

    Your stove is beautiful. What a treasure and such a lovely way to warm your home. I am so enjoying your art work and blog. The photo in your sidebar of the Victorian jewelry piece with the tintype of the little boy, is that in your collection? It is magnificent. Thank you so much for visiting Art-e-ology and adding me to your blog list. I am following you now too:) Love, Jamie

  10. it is a beautiful stove and your cat looks really happy x

  11. Wat een mooie oude oven, ik vind het geweldig.
    det en mycket trevlig gammal spis, jag älskar det

  12. Oj, såååå goooosigt det verkar både med katten och spisen. Finns det skönare värme än den som kommer från den levande elden...det skulle eventuellt vara den som kommer från en spinnande mjukgo katt som legat i solen....eller..??? ha en skön helg både du och kissen, han är bara för go'. Kramis!!

  13. So funny! I laughed out loud. I often wonder what it would be like to just lay around and follow the sun all day.


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!