söndag 8 februari 2009

Äpplet faller inte långt..! / The Apple doesn´t fall far...!

I dag tänkte jag visa vad mina små kottar har åstakommit alldeles själva. Det verkar ju som om de blivit lite "miljöskadade" av både mammas och pappas konstnärliga utsvävningar! Det är lite roligt att se! Den flygande hästen är av M 8 år...

Today I thought I would share with You what my three little children do on their spare time...looks like they have been influenced of both mother and fathers artistic adventures! It so fun to watch! the flying horse is made by my daugther M 8 years...

En enhörning av äldsta dottern M 8 år...

A unicorn made by my eldest daughter M 8 years old ...

En saga skriven av M när hon var 7 och ett halvt!...undrar vad hon blev inspirerad av!....

A story written by M when she was 7 and a half years old!...wonder from where she got the inspiration!...(it´s in swedish I know but it´s about horses in a haunted stable!)...

Den här fina blomsterflickan är gjord av mellandottern när hon var fem år...

This beautiful flowergirl was made by my second daughter when she was five years old...

Denna härliga hund gjorde mellandottern när hon var 5 år...hennes linjer lever verkligen!

My second daughter did this awsome dog when she was five...The lines are actually alive!

En till hund av mellandottern när hon var 6 år...

Another lovely dog by my second daughter when she was 6 years old...

Och här har vi kvällens artist! Sonen, 4 år gammal , med sin "mixed media assemblage"!...

And here´s the artist of tonight! My son, 4 years old ,with his "mixed media assemblage art piece"!..

Det är ju så man får en tår i ögat!...Michael de Meng släng dig i väggen!....

It brings a tear to my eye!...Michael de Meng be ware!....

Snön bara fortsätter att vräka ner!...så då måste man ju göra snöänglar!...

The snow keeps on falling!...so we had to make angels in the snow!....

Är ganska skönt ändå...jag gjorde också en faktiskt!...Det var länge sen märkte jag när jag skulle försöka ta mig upp!!...

It actually feels good...I made one myself!...But it has been awhile since I did them...I noticed that when I was trying to get up!!...

Så hälsade sötnosen på ....Kolla ögonen! Man kan se vårt hus i dem!!...

And we had a visit from this cutie...Check the eyes! You can see our house in them!!...

På tal om vårt hus...här är det! Liknar mest ett snöslott!...

Talking about our house...here it is! Looks like a snowcastle!...

Det var allt för nu. Önskar alla en trevlig arbetsvecka! Vi ses!

That´s all for now. Wish You all a pleasant working week! See ya!

10 kommentarer:

  1. Vad härligt att de små tar efter sina föräldrar och det är ju klart att de har ärvt detta och också påverkats av den konstnärliga miljön de lever i. Speciellt mycket tyckte jag om den blå blomsterflickan. Underbara bilder allihop. Ha en skön snövecka kära Liisa. Kramar!!

  2. Vilken underbar familj med konstnärer! 8 åringen har supertalang vilket sinne för proportioner. Kreativitet och lekfullhet ska uppmuntras hos barn. Ha en fin vecka. Kram /linnea-maria

  3. Your childrens art is lovely...my girls are all grown up now but I have boxes of pictures, stories and cards they made that I could never throw out!!!....
    I can't tell you how jealous i am (green!!!) of your fantastic house..we too have snow but its melting now and is grey and wet..I can't wait for spring and a little warmth..
    K xx

  4. Your children are so talented. Beautiful blog. Is that your house? Just gorgeous. I wanna' play ! :) Lydia Love the snow:)

  5. I am so excited to tell you that you've won my give away, the crazy quilt wall hanging! Please e-mail me within the next 2 days, with your address, the colors you would like, and the theme so I can choose the right fabrics. Copies of your pictures can be e-mailed to me, or duplicates can be mailed to my home, along with any special embellishments you would like added, such as buttons, lace, pins, etc., all can be worked in to your wall hanging! I look forward to hearing from you!

  6. Hi Your kids are so creative!
    papapapapa! (trumpet) you have won a little box in my owoh give away. Check my blog and email me with our address please!

  7. Hi Llisa, Let's try again! What is your e-mail address, and I'll see if it will work that way, I can respond to your e-mail. Just leave a comment with your e-mail address on the same post you did earlier. I can't wait to get your wall quilt started!

  8. Oh ! I'm very happy to discover your blog Liisa ! Thank you Phyllis :) > I arrive from Phyllis's blog :) Your children draw beautifully !!!! and that mixed media made by your little boy is just gorgeous !!! Have a great day :) Jojo-Caramel (France)

  9. Gorgeous views! And the deer is so sweet:). I wish they would come to my house as well;).
    And the scooter picnic on the lake, that definately sounds like fun:)).

  10. Oh your house is so beautiful!!! Great to see you have such talented children too! X


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!