torsdag 14 augusti 2008

Färgmagi / The magic of colour

Regn och rusk! Usch! För att inte jag inte skall sjunka ner helt i skosulorna vill jag omge mig med färger. Denna tavlan hänger i vårt matrum...Jag tycker om denne kolorist och naivist Lennart Jirlow. Jag blir glad av alla hans lysande färger!...

Rain is pouring down and the sky is all gray! Ughh! To prevent me from falling flat into my shoes I wan´t to surround me with colours. This picture is hanging on our diningroom wall...I love this colourful painter Lennart Jirlow. His brilliant colours makes me happy! ...

Lennart Jirlow... läs om denne härliga konstnär här!...
Lennart about this wonderful artist here!...

Han målar så fantastiskt från Frankrike och Provence med alla restauranger...

He paint so beautifully from France and Provence with all their restaurants....

Vinkällare.../ The wine cellar...

Han flyttade ner till södra frankrike för de vackra färgernas skull....som här funna i mina blommor i trädgården...

He moved to the south of France for the wonderful colours in my flowers in the garden....

Balkongen..../The balcony...

Solen personifierad.../ The sun impersonated...

Cyklist.../ Riding the bike...

Lysande blått i min trädgård!.../ Brilliant blue in my garden!...

Men titta här!..../ But take a look here!....

Dessa fina kräldjur har min dotter gjort, hon är 8 år....visst är de söta!

These lizards and frog was made by my daughter 8 years old...aren´t they qute!...



Dansande.../ The dancers...


Men vänta nu ....vad är det här??....

But wait a minute...what´s this??...

Jag vill gå in nu matte!.... Fröken Esmeralda vill ha mat!....typ NU!!

I want to go in now "mummy"! Miss Esmeralda wants her dinner...Like NOW!!

Ha en färglad dag! Ses!

Have a colourful day! See Ya!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful colors in the paintings. Very cheerful. I think your daughter is an artist too. Her little creations are fantastic! Have a nice day! Twyla

  2. Ah yes, but don't you find that rain can make the colors outdoors seem more intense? Look through the grey skies and drops of water to see that they are crystals that reflect the light if we look closely. Each color is prettier with the rain.

    Hugs ~

  3. Din dotter är konstnär! Precis som mor sin!
    Katter är verkligen precis så som du beskriver "jag ska ha mat NU", "jag ska gå UT NU", "jag ska gå in NU" (5 min senare) /linnea-maria

  4. I love the colors that artist uses and I like the way you put photos of your flowers in between the paintings. I have not heard of him before but I really like his style of painiting. I love color!! Those little lizards your children made are very cute.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  5. Hi Liisa how are you, I like this post because colour is so precious, and beautiful, and I love your pictures!!. I must say though I was STUNNED by your gorgeous sunflowersI just love them. What are the seeds called, do you know
    Hugs Lynn xx

  6. Hi Lynn, Thanks for visiting, The sunflowers name is Helianthus annuus 'Bicentenary' (Thompson and Morgan). I also have a dark red one called Helianthus annuus
    'Chianti F1'.


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!