onsdag 30 april 2008

Valborg / Spring Bonfire

Vintern ra.... Äntligen är det officiellt vår! Vitsipporna står som spön i backen. eldarna tänds och vi får sjunga alla gamla sånger igen....
Spring is officially here! Wildwood windflower (Anemone) light up the ground everywhere.

Tonight we are going celebrating Walpurgis Night, or Valborg in Swedish. It is a holiday in Sweden, celebrating the arrival of spring.
On this night, large bonfires are lit in all of our country, and families gather around these “majbrasor”, or May Fires, to listen to choirs, join in the singing, watch fireworks and celebrate. The traditional function of this was to protect against the evil witches at large on this night.

Här kan du kan lyssna på Vintern Rasat .
For a taste of Sweden on Valborg night You can listen to one of the most typical springsongs this holiday: Vintern Rasat (“The winter has fallen”)

Studentfesterna är väl i full gång med champagnefrukostar , sång och vita mössor!
As with many festivals and events in Sweden, singing is an integral part of Valborg. These spring songs were popularized and spread by the student communities, and the strongest Valborg traditions still remain in the country’s two oldest universities, Lund in the south and Uppsala, just to the north of Stockholm. From early in the morning until late into the night, white-capped students will be celebrating the last day of April, “sista April” with champagne breakfasts and singing to welcome the spring.

A student from Lund 1910

Jag önskar er Alla en trevlig Valborgsmässoafton och en skön 1:a maj!
Jag kommer med nästa inlägg på lördag 3:e maj då jag skall visa mina konstnärliga skapelser för Donna O´Briens Swashbuckler partaj! Titta gärna in då!!
Femton gastar och död mans kista.....!

I wish all of You a happy Valborg, Walpurgis Night and a wonderful first of may!
I will be back with next post on saturday the 3rd when I will be showing my artistic creations for Donna O´Briens Swashbuckler Soiree! Please come again then!!
See Ye then Matey....!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hope you are at this moment!!! having a fantastic evening Liisa. I love the photograph of the anemones they are awesome.
    Hugs Lynn xx

  2. Hej Liisa!

    Vad har du för kamera? Kanon bilder!

    Är ni sugna på att hänga med oss till Kaustinen i juli?

    // Ulf i Norrköping

  3. Takk for hilsen hos meg, det er hyggelig av deg å lenke meg. Jeg har din blogg på min liste fra lenge siden.
    Jeg kan fortelle deg at egentlig burde jeg hete Valborg siden jeg har fødselsdag på aprils siste dag. Det er en bra dag, mye feiring og alltid fri dagen etter! Stemningsfulle bilder du viser som alltid!
    Hilsen Marianne


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!