torsdag 17 januari 2008

Jag älskar... / I Love...

Jag älskar en massa saker, men mest av allt min familj förstås. De är alltid nummer ett...inga kompromisser!

I love a lot of things, but most of all my family of course. They are always number compromises!

Men jag älskar också att prova nya saker, träffa nya människor. Människor är som böcker....fulla av hemligheter som bara väntar på att upptäckas. Tänk vad som ryms i en människa... ett helt liv av upplevelser, tankar och drömmar...en hel släkt av människor bakom.

But I also love trying new things, meeting new people. People are like books...full of secrets waiting to be discovered. Just think of how much there is in one person... a lifetime of experiences, thoughts and dreams...and to that a whole line of ancesters leading up to this person.

Man säger ju att första intrycket består men jag kan nog inte riktigt hålla med om det. Tänk bara vilka dåliga dagar man kan ha själv: veckan-före-mens-dag... mens-hela-veckan-dag...taskig-hår-dag...ingen-sömn-natten-före-dag... slut-på-varmvatten-i duschen-dag... grälat-med-mannen-dag! Och tänk om man en sådan dag skall bli bedömd och dömd för resten av ens liv!!

It is said that first impression lasts, but I can´t agree with that. Just think of all the bad days one can have: the-week-before-the-period-day... all-week-period-day... bad-hair-day...! And think if You were to be doomed for the rest of your life because of that day!!

Nää...Tänk en bok som är lite jobbig i början men vinner på slutet, om jag slutat läsa hade jag inte berikat mitt liv med den upplevelsen! Alltid finns det väl något av intresse eller saker som gör att man ser sitt eget liv i ett annat perspektiv.

No way...Think of a book that is a bit difficult in the beginning but winns at the end, if I would have stoped reading I wouldn´t have enriched my life with this experience! There is always something of interest or things that make you look at your own life from a different angle.

Jag har också insett att jag älskar när du som läser hör av dig med den minsta lilla kommentar! Vad man blir det finns någon som faktiskt läser det jag skriver och tycker till om det jag visar! Fantastiskt! Blogland har inga gränser ..alla bor i samma cyberrymd!

I have also learned that I love when You who read this leave an ever so tiny comment or an email! That is truly uplifting...WOW there is someone who actually reads what I´m writing and have opinions about what I show here! Fantastic! Blogland has no limits or borders...we alla live in the same cyberspace!

Så tack för alla kommentarer och emails! Jättekul!! Jag har gjort alla hjärtan själv. Du kan också göra egna. Det är jätteenkelt. Panduro har papphjärtan och decoupagelack. Klipp och klistra, lacka, klistra dit ett band, klistra ev dit något att dölja första biten av bandet. Simpelt!!

So Thank You for all Your comments and emails! I love it!! I have made all the hearts myself. You can make your own. It´s easypeasy. A cardboard heart, cut and glue pictures, seal with decoupage varnish, glue a ribbon, embellish with something to cover the start of the ribbon. Easy!!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Liisa
    I just love reading your posts, and this one really pulled the heart strings for are so right, what a beautiful way you see people,I am enchanted by your words.
    I hope you have a wonderful week end full of fun and crafts and family.
    Lots of hugs
    Lynn xx
    Ps your hearts are very pretty..

  2. Love the hearts Liisa...they are gorgeous and you've made it easy with the instructions!!

    You make a very good point about first impressions...I always take into consideration "what is this person's story", "are they having a bad day"'s been my experience throughout my life that my first impressions about people are generally accurate...the main thing is what you've said in comparing people to books -- you have to look deeper than just that first page or the cover BEFORE you make a decision!!

  3. Hei, her inne var det så fint! Vakkre farger og bilder, jeg vil gjerne lenke deg for her må jeg bruke lang tid og lese og nyte.
    Hilsninger fra Marianne

  4. Your thoughts of learning about life from others who have experiences to share was lovely. You will find, as you get older, you crave details of your family history. So many have never shared stories, kept photos or written anything down. We must all do this for our children and grandchildren. In today's world things change so rapidly, details are lost. I believe that journaling, either by writing on paper, or even by blogging, is a way for the next generation to know their family's history. I print all my blogs and file them in binders (am on my third). These will be here for my grandchildren if they ever want to know more about me, our family, my interests etc. when I can no longer tell them.

    Your hearts are beautiful Liisa - and I'm sure your's is just sweet!
    Hugs - Mary

    P.S. Great piano find - love that you are a musical family.


Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!