söndag 9 december 2007

Nobel! / The Nobel festivities!

Förra årets honörsbord (foto: Nobelprize.org) Last years Table of honor

Hej och hå så var det dags för Nobelfesten i morgon kväll! En hemlis: Jag gillar att sitta och se HELA pris ceremonien OCH banketten. Man och barn blir tokiga... de vill ju titta på annat på TV:n. Jag gillar att se alla blomsterdekorationer , galakreationer och alla smycken!

And finally it´s time for the party of the Year! The Nobel Prize Festivities tomorow ! A secret: I´m glued to the TV and watch BOTH the Prize ceremonie AND the Banquette. Husband and children go crazy!...they´d rather watch something else on TV. I like to watch all the incredible flower arrangements, the fabulous dresses and not to mention the jewelry!

Kolla bara in drottning Silvias vackra kreationer genom åren: /Check out Queen Silvias fabulous dresses through the years:

Hon är vacker vår Drottning! / She is a true beauty our Queen!

Och så var det kungabarnen.../ and then there are the royal children....

(Foto från 2006 Nobelprize.org)

Det skulle vara rätt häftigt att få vara med bland alla dessa gäster! /It would be awsome to attend the festivities among all theese guests:

Jag skulle nog kanske ta på mig denna blåsa! / I would probably wear a dress like this!

Och dessa skor! / And theese shoes! (from Basia)

Och denna aftonväska! / And this purse! (from Basia)

Denna solfjäder skulle passa! /This fan would be perfect! (This is actually one of Marie Antoinettes!)

Icke att förglömma! En tiara!! /Not to forget ! A perfect tiara!! (This belonged to the tsarina of Russia)

Ja, ja vad är väl en bal på slottet!........ /Well, well, dream on! Anyway You can watch all about the Nobel festivities live on webcast at http://nobelprize.org/

Nu skall jag gå och ta min skönhetssömn! Hejdå / I´m of to bed for my beautysleep! Bye for now

8 kommentarer:

  1. wow! I am speechless....thats rare for me !
    Those dresses those photographs, pure eye candy,
    Oh can you just imagine being there, how good would that be, hey I would even wait on the tables to see that one!!
    Thankyou, and enjoy
    Lynn, I loved your choice of dress, I would just love to wear somthing like that xx

  2. Oh all so lovely! and dreaming? Yes!!! I love the dress you would wear and the shoes...those shoes are incredible! Could you imagine having them?!?! Alas, I will have to just dream!

  3. men vilken härlig blandning du har på din blogg
    kul att ha hittat hit

    ha det bäst

  4. Liisa, please stop by and see me at Esprit * d'Art for the blog post on December 10th..I've left a little something there for you!! xo

  5. What a magical moment! Cinderalla here I come. I love the dress and shoes you picked out.

  6. Hallå där "granne" : ) Mycket vackert i din blogg, ljuvligt tittgodis! tack för din rara kommentar!! Mari.

  7. What a sublime table setting! But do tell me more about your dream dress! Who is it by??? All the accessories are wonderful too, but oh that dress!

  8. Hi Ulla,
    I´m not sure but I think it´s Dior (who else?)



Skriv en rad och jag blir glad! Drop me a line and I´ll be happy!